Giselle & Cody are passionate vegans and seasoned travelers who have traveled extensively for the past 5-years while sharing their adventures and the stories of animals in need. They traveled to dozens of countries for over 6-months during 2016 and 2017 to help us at VeganTravel promote our mutual goals of growing veganism and compassion. Some of the countries they traveled to doing this time included Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Thailand, Singapore, and India. Please also check out their amazing travel blog: Mindful Wanderlust!

Giselle & Cody’s Vegan Travel Videos
Vegan Florence, Italy Giselle & Cody (@mindfulwanderlu...
Spending a week in Kyiv, Ukraine After only spending 48 hour...
Vegan Travel in Rome, Italy Cody and Giselle (@codyk and @mi...
Cody and Giselle (@codyk and @mindfulwanderlust) made it to ...
Cody and Giselle's 6 Month Travel Itinerary!!! Vegan Travel ...
Vegan Tour of Toronto! Global vegan travelers Cody and Gisel...
Giselle & Cody’s Vegan Travel Blogs
VeganTravel.com is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.