Travel Health Tips for Vegans
Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or in the process of becoming one, these travel tips are sure to help you out!
Vitamins and Supplements
Medicines, vitamins, and prescriptions are all items that should be considered while packing for a trip.
Some of the most common prescription medicines that you may need for your trip are:
– Asthma medicine, inhalers, and epi-pens
– Contact lenses and glasses (always take a backup if your sight is bad!)
– Retainers, mouth guards, and dental care products
– Vaccinations for any destinations that require them
Depending on your diet and needs, you may need to bring certain vitamin supplements with you, like:
– B12
– Iron
– Multivitamins
There may be some hard to find items while traveling including:
– Pain killers
– Over-the-counter allergy medicine
– Lotion
– Nasal sprays (for those who sometimes experience pain with pressure change during takeoff and landing.)
– Tea tree oil (useful for pretty much everything, including pain relief for bug bites, acne, and as an antiseptic)
Intimate and sexual health
Contraceptives are hard to get a hold of in some places, so it is important to have that sorted before you leave. It can be difficult to remember to take a contraceptive pill on time in different time zones, and that may make other forms of contraception more appealing to travelers. Vegan condoms can be hard to come by in some countries, so don’t forget to bring enough with you on your trip.
Women’s health
Don’t forget to pack enough of your preferred feminine care products for the duration of your trip. Some women may find that the cheapest and easiest solution is to bring reusable pads, which can be washed and hung to dry after every use, and/or a menstrual cup like the mooncup or the divacup. These options are environmentally friendly and easy to travel with.
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