Do you have a big sweet tooth like me? This blog entry is just for you!
Montreal does not have a lot of vegan dessert places, but when you do find one, it will be one of the most amazing ones, I promise. Check out these places for your next trip to MTL!
Juliette et Chocolat
If you ask anyone living in Montreal about Juliette et Chocolat, I can guarantee you, that person has visited this place at least once, but not only once. There are five different locations of this wonderful chocolaterie, and recently, they added a vegan option! Of course, I had it and it blew my mind! The desserts here could be a bit rich in taste for some people, but when you are having a bad hair day, it could be just the perfect thing that you have been looking for.
Café Tuyo (Vegan) – 370 Rue Marie-Anne
Hidden on a smaller street, Cafe Tuyo is a quiet vegan cafe. The desserts are exceptional and they go really well with their tea. Even with a lot of customers, the place manages to stay rather silent, making it the ideal place to work! And the owner is super nice too.
Delicieux Veg Fusion Café (vegan) – 5718 Park Avenue
Delicieux has more than just desserts; you can find some delicious bowls here as well. But what’s really unique about this cafe is that they have vegan doughnuts. And I don’t know any place in Canada that sells vegan doughnuts !!
Yeh is like Pinkberry or Red Mango of New York, and the two locations that I know are both inside a shopping mall (Eaton Center and Alexis Nihon). Who doesn’t love frozen yogurt while shopping? Yeh offers at least two to three types of vegan flavours. This time, I got the mango, but I’ve seen coconut and pineapple yogurt the other day.
Hoche Glacé – 2225 Avenue Bennett
When this placed opened, the vegan Montréalais went crazy. They were dying to try the vegan ice creams. Summer in Montreal can be brutal, and sometimes, one just needs that bite of cold cream melting in the mouth! Even though Hoche Glacé is not completely vegan, they do offer varieties of plant-based beverages, such as soy, almond, and rice milk. Yes, rice milk.
It was so cool to see a poster that promotes vegan protests! This is just a fabulous idea to bring awareness to people who are not familiar with factory farming and what really happens outside our supermarkets. Let’s keep this energy up!
Le Parloir – 4354 Ave. Christophe-Colomb
I had always wanted to try an afternoon high tea platter with my best friend. Having difficulty finding a vegan one, I almost lost hope. Then I heard that Le Parloir carried a vegan platter at the same price as the regular platter. My dream came true. My friend and I had an unforgettable time here. It is surely a bit expensive, but for a once-in-a-lifetime thing, it was totally worth it.

We both dressed up for this day, and tried to look very elegant and poised, which is faaaaar from our actual personality. 😉
I’m starting to drool as I write… I think I shall stop here before I look for something in the fridge at 11:30pm! More entries are coming soon, so stay tuned!
Hi Kelly,
No it’s not necessary to reserve 🙂 but I went on a weekday before noon, so it wasn’t busy at all. If you are plan to go on the weekend; maybe it will be safe to give them a call before you go!
Great — thanks for your response!
Hi there! Did you have to reserve the vegan high tea at Le Parloir in advance? Thanks!