Vegan Cruise, Should You or Shouldn't You by Megan Griffith on

In 2015, I embarked on my first solo-travel-for-pleasure adventure via the Holistic Holiday at Sea vegan cruise—you know, the one that’s always advertised in VegNews Magazine! I had seen the ads year after year and when I got my first bonus check after grad school, I decided it was time to treat myself! On the surface, the experience was overall enjoyable and fulfilling. As I reflect back on the cruise, however, I have mixed feelings.

First Impressions

As I waited in the airport for my connecting flight to Miami, I was sitting beside a woman with a yoga mat in her carry-on. The odds weren’t necessarily that much in my favor, but I figured I’d ask if she was headed to the same cruise. Indeed, she was. When we landed in Miami, we shared a taxi to the port and I was comforted to know that there would be at least one semi-familiar face during my trip.

As we first boarded the ship, the fact that half the passengers were omnivores travelling not as a part of the Holistic Holiday At Sea caught me off guard. It turns out, the Holistic Holiday at Sea group, though growing in size each year, was only a portion of the ship’s passengers. Well, that squashed my dreams of a meat-free vacation. Our first meal in the buffet was a crowded and unpleasant experience—I was starving and forced to wait in line with the many other vegan passengers at the small, designated vegan section of the buffet while I saw (and smelled) rotting flesh abound. This, I must confess, was a terrible disappointment.Holistic Holiday at Sea

As for the ship, the room was pleasant and the public spaces were well-kept. And I found the staff to be super friendly. No complaints, really. I have only ever been on one other cruise, and it was a major line, so I recognized that this smaller ship wouldn’t have all the same amenities. Nevertheless, it held its own.

The Meals

While the open dining buffet and other ship restaurants offered some (but limited) vegan options, the Holistic Holiday at Sea group had a designated dining hall. Each meal comprised of multiple courses in this dining hall. It was a great opportunity to meet others from the group. Without assigned seating, I actually made quite a few friends from these meals alone.

The food, however, was largely disappointing. The presentation was always spectacular. Sadly, with a few exceptions, the flavor was bland. Portions were fairly small as well. If I were to eat at the buffet, I could grab more food and wider variety. But I was curious to see what the chefs would prepare. Lesson learned: count on the buffet for comforting, satiating meals.

Holistic Holiday at Sea food

Programs and Activities

I am without a doubt a #veganfortheanimals vegan. My primary motivation is to reduce animal suffering. The workshops and activities offered by the Holistic Holiday at Sea were largely health- and fitness-oriented. In fact, I think I personally met only 3 or so other vegans (of the entire group!) who were “ethical vegans” rather than plant-based for their health. I really wish  animal welfare or environmental topics were incorporated into the Holistic Holiday at Sea program. Without this, I ended up skipping most of the planned activities. I did, however, participate in some of the excursions.


The Holistic Holiday at Sea program lets you select group-specific excursions, which I joined for two of the ports of call. The first, in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, took guests to a fabulous restaurant with a spectacular view. The food was prepared locally and was so flavorful! This excursion included an afternoon climbing the Dunns River Falls.

Ocho Rios Holistic Holiday at Sea

The meal and scenery of our meal at the Ocho Rios port in Jamaica

The second Holistic Holiday at Sea excursion I joined was in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. A bus drove participants to the Ruins of Tulum. I must say, the food during this excursion was disappointing. Whereas the Jamaican excursion supplied local fare, this trip provided guests with soggy subs of bland veggies. I anticipated authentic Mexican food, but left wanting. The experience of the ruins, on the other hand, was breathtaking.

Tulum Ruins

Tulum Ruins in Mexico


My favorite part of the trip, I must say, was meeting so many new vegans. I ended up connecting with some people from my hometown, who I still see and spend time with, and I met a handful of others who I stay in touch with via Facebook. I even met Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, the author of my favorite cookbook: Color Me Vegan! The morning we anchored at the Cayman Islands, I met two wonderful ladies—Gloria and Elaine (from Canada)—who offered to venture ashore with me, so I wouldn’t have to go alone. They were so sweet and I shared my favorite meal of the trip with them at a seafood restaurant (of all places) called The Lobster Pot. On our last port of call, I spent the day with another new friend, Mayra (from Mexico) and it was so fascinating to learn about the vegan journeys of others. During the ship’s planned evening outings (like ice cream socials, pizza parties, and dance parties), I met Annabelle (from Australia), Eddie (from California), and Eric (who was living just outside Baltimore at the time).

Friends made on the Holistic Holiday at Sea

I met so many amazing vegans on the ship. One friend, however, Eddie, is missing! We never did get a photo!

The Troubling Truth

Environmental Impact

I tried to do research to understand the environmental impact, recognizing that cruise travel typically isn’t the ‘greenest’. From the website, it would seem that the cruise line was very conscious of its footprint, and went so far as to call itself an “eco-friendly cruise company.” I felt assured in my decision. I came to realize that my research was too shallow. Apparently, MSC Cruises is ranked among the worst cruise lines for its negative environmental impact. The Friends of the Earth has consistently given MSC an ‘F’ Grade, with bad marks for sewage treatment, air pollution, and transparency, while no information was provided on water treatment. I am ashamed that I made a rash decision without seeking the right information. But that’s not the worst of it.

Staff Mistreatment

As if a negative environmental impact wasn’t bad enough, it later came to my attention that MSC is a notoriously horrific employer. Conditions of employment are “slave-like,” and the hosts of The Bearded Vegans podcast share the experience of a friend who spoke to the staff, specifically probing about their treatment, to learn about the terrible situations they were trapped in. It’s shameful. I suppose I had too much trust in a “vegan” organization to have done this sort of research for its customers. Alas, at this point, the whole thing just disgusts me.

Should You Join a Vegan Cruise?

I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t get anything out of this trip. My experience was incredibly rewarding, and I booked this trip at a time when it wasn’t uncommon for me to excuse a taste of that one chocolate chip cookie in the office break room, or the slice of cheese pizza that my husband was about to toss out. The trip reaffirmed my commitment to veganism, to the animals, and to myself. I met new lifelong friends. I also found an opportunity to hit “reset,” having just finished a stressful period of life (grad school!).

All that being said, the food wasn’t anything to write home about, and learning about the environmental and social impacts of my trip has been absolutely devastating. Holistic Holiday at Sea isn’t the only vegan cruise option out there; and so, given the options, I’d recommend searching around to find an alternative that might be better for the planet and our fellow human inhabitants.


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When I first moved to Oman eight years ago, I could hardly find brown rice. My husband and I would trek an hour and a half to the capital of Muscat to stock up on tofu and soymilk but much […]

VEGAN EUROTRIP – Where to eat in Ljubljana

Arriving in Ljubjana after nearly 5 hours on the bus from Vienna, we trudged to our hostel, hangry and overloaded with bags. We were in for dreary weather throughout our stay but couldn’t be happier to finally visit this amazing […]

Rishikesh Vegan Food Hunt

I spent a total of 5 weeks in Rishikesh, India. 4 weeks studying yoga at Siddhi Yoga and 1 week exploring and enjoying.  My favorite vegan spot in Rishikesh is The Eat Story. I’ll talk about this spot first.  The Eat […]

Canals in Amsterdam are frozen and making your way around town has never been so fun

As if the streets of Amsterdam could become any more beautiful. Here I am standing on the crackling ice surrounded by the most beautiful architecture. Children chasing each other on the ice as they slip around the corner. As I […]

3 good reasons to visit Bangkok

A lot of people decide to visit Thailand for its astonishing beaches or secluded villages in the north, but if you are planning your trip to Thailand I really think you shouldn’t miss a visit to Bangkok, it will totally […]

Eating vegan in Amritsar, India

Back in November 2017, we spent a really enjoyable few days in Amritsar. Not only did we enjoy the sights that the town has to offer (including the mesmerizing Golden Temple and the dramatic border ceremony) but we also got to […]

Explore Ubud and Bali

When Javanese Buddhist Rsi Markandeya entered what’s now the province of Bali, Indonesia, it was to serve as a priest and spread Hinduism. While in Bali, Markandeya was drawn to an area with lush landscape which provided medicinal properties for […]

Romblon: The Marble Capital of the Philippines (Our Vegan Travel)

Romblon: The Marble Capital of the Philippines 26-31.12.2017 We have heard a lot of good things about Romblon, the scenery, the beaches, and the places that other people talk about. We planned this trip way ahead in advance where we […]

Safari, Sanctuary, and Sea: My Week in Kenya Part II

Following our two-night stay in Nairobi, it was time to head eastward to Mombasa in order to reunite with dear friends we met in our Middle Eastern travels eight years prior. To reach the coastal port, the Madaraka Express runs […]

Philly Cheesesteak: The Vegan Starter Kit

When in Philly do as the Philadelphians do. When vegan in Philly do as the vegan Philadelphians do. Cheesesteaks are a hot topic here in Philadelphia. Be prepared to answer the age-old question Pats or Genos? Hesitate to answer, you […]

2 Weeks in Chile

Chile was an adventure, shared with my best friend, two weeks full of laughs and avocados and empanadas and sunburns and bus rides and the kind of talk you can only have with that person that knows you since you […]

VEGAN EUROTRIP – Where to eat in Vienna

Stop number three on this crazy whirlwind of a trip landed us in Vienna – just a short (ish) train ride from Budapest. And if you remember from my last post, we were well equipped on that train ride with […]

Top 5 places to eat vegan in Rishikesh, India

We spent almost 3 weeks in Rishikesh, North India, in September 2017. It’s a great place to be, by the holy river Ganges, surrounded by yoga classes, great restaurants, ashrams and the stunning Himalayan foothills. It’s a vegetarian town too, […]

Romanian Ice Hotel to celebrate my 30th birthday

To celebrate my 30th birthday I knew I had to something special, and the Romanian Ice Hotel perfectly fitted my idea. I went with my sister and used the company Untravelled Paths who were amazing, they were very quick at responding […]

Homemade, bio vegan dishes in Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic

I love eating. For me trying new dishes, new flavour combinations and local cuisine have always been part of travelling. After turning to be vegetarian, my options became less and turning to vegan even less. If you just want to […]

Raw vegan retreats in Samana, Dominican Republic

Travelling around the Dominican Republic, searching for the best places where you can eat vegan dishes. I was not expecting to find my best raw experience ever in a remote corner of the Samana area.  Comparing the crowdies of the […]

The Dominican Tree House Village is as cool as it sounds

When I was a kid I loved watching The Swiss family Robinson in the tv. I could really imagine myself as part of the family. I spent time thinking what I would do differently, how I would build my own […]

VEGAN EUROTRIP – Where to eat in Budapest

After falling in love with Prague and its delicious vegan bites,  the second stop of our crazy quest landed us in Budapest. It started a little rocky but we were soon surprised and went from hangry to elated… I don’t […]

Dubai all-inclusive holiday vegan tips and skydiving

Dubai is the last part of my trip from India to Nepal to Oman to Dubai, we went to the Dubai Mall and this place is massive. While there we got lunch at a falafel place called Karam Express, and […]

Oman vegan travelling from Muscat to Wadis

We took Oman Air from Kathmandu to Muscat, and while the flight is only 4.5hours, we had to wait for 1.5hours in the airport! The food was ok with pasta in tomato sauce, bean salad and fruit. Oman is extremely […]

USA: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

To celebrate the ringing in of 2018, my companion and I traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Neither of us had been to the ocean town, but were looking forward to warmer temps and break from  snowy weather. The city […]

Explore Budapest

While earliest settlements date back to the Old Stone Age, continuous civil development of Budapest occurred after a conquest by the Roman Empire around 100 CE. What came into existence were campsites around Danube River, which the Roman Empire called […]

Veganuary – Why You Should Give Veganism a Go

“But why did you go vegan?” is a question I probably get asked more than I care to remember. The slaughtering of animals and catastrophic effect the meat industry has on the environment is sometimes a bit much for meat […]

Nepal including Mt Everest

We flew with JetAirways from Varanasi to Kathmandu and they offered us vegan food of a salad sandwich and fruit. Later we had a rice and dal dish, which was very spicy, along with yoghurt and KitKat?! We started our […]

The crazy world of India and avoiding their ghee obsession

Where to begin with India?! I had been wanting to go to India for a very long time, and finally we booked our trip (me and my boyfriend) for December. We visited Delhi, Agra, Taj Mahal, Jaipur and Varanasi. We […]

VEGAN EUROTRIP – Where to eat in Prague

Hi, I’m Kayleigh from SheHeartsEarth and in September my partner and I embarked on a 3 week plant-based Eurotrip to visit my 100th country (by my 30th birthday) and discover tasty gems along the way. Below is our food-based experience […]

Vegan in Toronto (I)

~My First Visit to Toronto~ After visiting Toronto this October for the first time, I decided that it makes the top 5 of my favourite vegan cities. There were so many vegan eateries all over downtown that I just didn’t know […]

The best vegan food in Bangkok

Thailand is one of the best places to eat vegan and cheap food, and Bangkok offers a huge variety of choices for every taste; this is my personal guide of the best vegan food in the city. Chamlong restaurant, just […]

Vegan Eats and Treats in Tallinn

On first thoughts Estonia didn’t strike us as veggie friendly, let alone vegan friendly. Oh how we were very very wrong. Across the four days we spent in Tallinn, we ate at various vegan restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here’s […]

Where to get the best matcha in Bali & why we need to add matcha to our diets

Who knew that a little piece of matcha paradise could be found in the middle of Bali’s rice fields! This special cafe is located in Canggu and gets any matcha lover excited! If you aren’t part of the matcha club […]

Explore Vienna

While popular music can be admired anywhere, connoisseurs of the classical era would believe its appreciation routes to Vienna. It’s become known as an inventive place for music, and more so dreams. As the capital and prime metropolis of Austria, […]

Best lunch spots in Arequipa, Peru

Before I arrived in Peru, more specifically Arequipa, I was a bit nervous of being vegan there. I’d never been to South America before and all that my doctor told me before was that he’d eaten Cuy (roasted guinea pig) […]

Vegan in Montreal – Oriental Flavour

“Vegan in Montreal – Oriental Flavour“ is the second part of my Montreal series! (For more vegan restaurants, check out the Winter Chapter.) In this post, you will find a list of Asian restaurants, including Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, and Chinese-Japanese […]

Vegan Pizza Takes Over the Gulf

In the Arab Gulf, we have ample access to authentic Indian cuisine and an array of Mediterranean delights, but there is nothing more affirming to the vegan palate than a proper vegan pizza. We’re not talking about the cheese-less veg […]

24 Hours in Bahrain

Bahrain is a tiny archipelago that is often overlooked. You can drive the width and breadth of the island in a few hours and scuttle to its most distant island in about 45 minutes. Other than being a former residence […]

Vegan food and animal rights in Cuba

What I remember I first visited Cuba around the year 2003. I spent one month studying at the University of La Habana and had some time to visit Trinidad and Pinar. I was a vegetarian back then, so finding something to […]

The 4 most amazing breakfast cafes in Canggu, Bali

Ciao tutti! My name is Britt and I currently live in a trendy place named Canggu in Bali. Its also known as a surfer paradise but in between the palm trees and surf boards you will find the cutest cafes! […]

Sheep Farm – is it Vegan-friendly?

Daegwallyoung Sheep Farm I had the opportunity to visit a sheep farm near Pyeongchang – where the Olympics will be held in 2018 – which is a lovely town in the east side of South Korea. I usually don’t visit […]

Vegan Weekend in San Francisco

When I dream of blue skies, I dream of San Francisco. The city of a thousand views captivates in many ways. My love of walking endlessly from neighborhood to neighborhood began here. My love of wandering from stall to stall […]

Vegan Musician in Seoul – Part II

<Han Gwa Chae> – Insadong 10-gil, 13 Han Gwa Chae is a vegan place that I had kept an eye on for months. Not knowing their break times last winter, I stopped by one day only to find out that it […]

How to say YES to travel

A lot of people say that they can’t afford travel. They have debts to pay. They can’t leave. It’s ok for people who have plenty of money. Or insert any other reason/excuse here. We all make excuses to not do […]

Las Coloradas, where water turns pink …if you are lucky

  Why pink? Las Colaradas is an astonishing location which is part of the Ria Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, established in 1979 with the aim of protecting 60,000 hectares of vegetation and hundreds of species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Despite […]

Panama City- The Ultimate Travel Guide For Vegans

Planning a new trip can be exciting but it also involves a lot of planning and researching. As I vegan I found myself having to use multiple resources to put together what I want to see and do, but also […]

Best Vegan Breakfast in Copenhagen

For many the most important meal of the day, Copenhagen offers a wide range of healthy, decadent breakfast options. Choose your favorite below or visit all of them! 1. Acacia Located in Frederiksberg Acacia opened in 2017 and offers in […]

My favorite markets in La Habana

In La Habana (Havana, Cuba) you won’t find huge supermarkets like the ones we are used to, but local markets are scattered everywhere and are just perfect if you are looking for mango, aguacate, platano, guayaba, malanga…. These are the […]

Conscious Tourism in Venice

On arrival, the uniqueness of Venice hits you. It is a special place and you’ll be wowed by its magic. Dizzy yourself by winding through the alleyways, meandering along canals and posing on quaint bridges. Yes, it is all so romantic. This is Venice. The […]

Swimming with turtles in Akumal (México): an ethical choice?

When I first heard about Akumal bay I was thrilled at the idea of visiting a place where I could swim with free and wild turtles. Of course I was concerned about the safety of the animals, I don’t really […]

Cleveland: Animal Liberation

Like many Americans and societies around the world, we subscribe to the eating habits of the majority. I had rarely ran into anyone that did not consume meat and animal byproducts growing up. I did, however, see a strong connection […]

Vegan in Paris, France

April 2016 During a family vacation to France, I was glad to find a vegan restaurant in walking distance from our hotel. I was aware that many non-vegan items such as diary products and meats are a staple in French […]

Vegan in Brooklyn, NY

Throughout my experience living a vegan lifestyle, I have made adjustments to be more in line with the philosophy. The definition of veganism means to live without the exploitation of animals for any purpose. In this recent video, I traveled […]

U.S. Vegan Dining Recap

As you know the vegan lifestyle is quite personal and a unique way to live given our historical relationship with animals with regard to clothing and diet. This online platform to share our vegan-specific travel experiences is wonderful. I have […]

My stay among donkeys in Asturias, Spain

Decided not to stay in France too long after my return from Asia, with the desire to learn spanish, I went at the end of July in Asturias, a small mountainous region of northern Spain, to spend five weeks at […]

Eating vegan overseas

You’ve just mastered eating vegan at home and now you have to try and find vegan food in a foreign country? Sounds impossible right? Wrong. It may take a few tweaks, but I promise you it IS possible to find […]

A Vegan in Bolivia: My experience in the Uyuni Salt Flats

The first time I saw a photograph of the Uyuni salt flats on a travel page I told myself that one day I had to go there. It was a place that seemed out of this world with colored lakes […]

Ridge 2 Reef – Living In Harmony: An Eco-Voluntour

it takes 20 years for a Pawikan mother to return to its birthplace to lay its eggs, but industrialization and the boom in tourism makes it harder for them to return to its birthplace, because of strong lights at night […]

Vegan Joyride Philippines

Being invited to a trip where we would be visiting some well talked about vegan restaurants south of Manila, and while doing so we would also be going to Bantakay falls, thinking of the good food we would be having […]

“What is the point of life without meat and cheese” Istanbul and Turkish Airlines

We found eating in Istanbul slightly harder than we first thought, especially because we had a short time in Istanbul and centered ourselves in the old city, while most of the vegan restaurants are in the new town. If you […]

Turin – Italy’s Vegan City

Ever since mayor Chiara Appendino pledged to make her city more vegan friendly, the city of Turin was at the top of my travel bucket list. Turin is a northern Italian city of the Piedmont region, which is often famed […]

Why Solo Travel is My Favorite Way to See the World

I definitely remember there was a time when the thought of doing anything alone seemed so isolating, and almost shameful. “Why don’t they just order carry out?” I’d ask my mom about the people dining alone in restaurants, as if […]

Vegan Feasting at Train Stations

Train stations, airports, highways. Those in between places. The hours you spend waiting in travel purgatory. You really need something to look forward to. And that something is food. Waiting increases appetite (I’m sure that is a scientific fact). Early morning […]

Should You Lower Your Raw Percentage when Traveling? (Part 2)

As promised, here are some tips on how to eat as much raw food when traveling, as well as how to stay sane and still enjoy your trip in spite of eating more cooked food than you usually do. -Travel […]

Bristol-Bath-Oxford-Gatwick Airport (UK) vegan travelling

Bristol (UK) is my home town so I was very excited to come home after 8 months and see my friends and family. It is surprisingly hard to sightsee in your home town! The sights we did see were Bristol […]

Where to eat as a vegan in London, UK? (answer many many places!)

London has many places to eat for vegans, and I was very eager to come back to London and try as many places as possible! We had two days of restaurant tasting and sight seeing. It is impossible to see […]

Should You Lower Your Raw Percentage when Traveling? (Part 1)

I love raw food, but I also love to travel. Ay, there’s the rub. If traveling as a cooked vegan isn’t challenging enough, try traveling as a raw vegan. If you’re fully raw then this post isn’t for you, although […]

Explore Munich and Bavaria

Located in the German Free State of Bavaria, Munich is the state’s capital and center for its arts and political climate. Its name is derived from Munchen, or Munichen in Old/Middle High German, which means “Home of the Monks”, because […]

Traveling Vegan on a Budget

You’ve chosen to become a vegan for several reasons, but it might not be because it’s the most inexpensive option. In fact, finding healthy, environmentally conscious foods can sometimes end up costing you more than it would be to eat […]

Explore Khimat

In the corner of a crowded Indian state lies Khimat – a village enriched with cultures of Gujarat and Rajasthan. It’s the most I’ve traveled to visit ancestral lands, and it seemed detached from western existence because of its tranquil […]

Quick trip to Tuscany and Related Eats

I went for a weekend in the countryside of Tuscany, around Cetona and Amiata mountains, where wolves roam free again. Well, we had no signs of wolves even though we saw plenty of roe deers. Instead of enjoying wildlife though, […]

Latvia and Lithuania: Vegan Eating and Sightseeing Part 2

Part 2 Vilnius, Lithuania We took the Eurolines bus (€17) from Riga to Vilnius. It took four hours, and with free wifi the time went by relatively quickly. The hotel we stayed in was the Artagonist hotel that had Lithuanian […]

Across Nicaragua in a Month

Welcome to all that I learned traveling solo for a month in Nicaragua! I’ve been vegan for almost 3 years, and have traveled within Canada and the USA, and to Vietnam – but I wasn’t sure what to expect in […]

Latvia and Lithuania: Vegan Eating and Sightseeing Part 1

Part 1 Riga, Latvia I have been told many times that Riga is beautiful, and perhaps the most beautiful of the Baltic Countries! I went to Tallinn, Estonia earlier this year, so I booked a trip to Riga, Latvia to […]

5 Ways You Can Make Your Road Trip More Vegan-Friendly

Taking a road trip is often hard enough as it is, let alone trying to find vegan options that you can eat along the way. Between planning where you are going to stay and where you want to go (like […]

Flower Burger – Hippie burgers in Milan

Milan seems to be the black sheep of Italy. Yeah, no one seems to have anything positive to say about it. Nothing negative either, simply that it’s nowhere near as exciting as Rome and Florence (which totally blew us away […]

Best Vegan Food in Manchester

In May, I flew from Toulouse to Manchester to be an au pair for the summer. It’s here, in Manchester, that I decided to make the switch from being a vegetarian for almost 3 years to being a vegan. Why […]

An Australian road trip

In June 2017, my boyfriend and I packed into our JUCY campervan. We were on a two-week road trip down the East coast on the ultimate Australian road trip. Born and raised in northern Queensland, neither of us had ever […]

Goodness in Greece!

Hi all! Welcome to Part 3/3 of our Vegan Travel Blogs in Europe. Today is all about Greece! I am going to be covering all of the delicious food we found in both Santorini and Athens. We both didn’t speak […]

How to be Vegan on an All-Inclusive Turkish Holiday

I have just spent a week in an all-inclusive resort in Fethiye, Turkey at TUI Sensatori Resort Fethiye. The weather was pure sunshine, with no clouds in the sky and +30C! There were also turtle eggs on the beach (protected in […]

Vegan Musician in Seoul – Part 1

Vegan and Music, in Seoul. Until now, all my posts have been about vegan restaurants and food, but in this entry, I wanted to include some reviews of music performances that I saw in Korea. Hopefully, you could make your […]

In Love With Italy!

Hi all! Welcome to Part 2/3 of our European Vegan Travel Blogs! This post is going to be very long so I apologise in advance. Italy was the country we spent most of our time in so we have much […]

Chinese Sweets: Naturally Vegan

It is in China – a country free of the “dessert” concept – that I developed my sweet-tooth. Overdoing it, just a bit. The idea of “dessert” is uncommon as ending a meal with something sweet is not a habit. […]

Museum Hopping & Vegan Travels in Stockholm

One of the perks of having a husband who works for a foreign company is that he sometimes get to travel to the head office. He normally only stays a few days, but when he told me that he was […]

Our favourite food in Myanmar

The countries that border Myanmar, especially India, China and Thailand, have influenced Burmese cuisine, so what a treat it was to try all of the amazing offerings. When we first arrived in Myanmar we had no idea what to expect […]

London & Oxford Vegan Eats!

Hi all! London was incredible! I am so happy and excited to share with you Part 1/3 of our June European Vegan Travel Blogs. Thank you to Vegan Travel for providing us with free t-shirts and stickers to represent them […]

How to Eat Vegan in China

Eating vegan in China is easier than expected. Dairy is not part of traditional ingredients so, unless you pick a westernized place, there will almost be no risk of incurring in any. Eggs are easy to avoid while getting meat-less dishes […]

A Pleasure to Travel Together

Why hello, there! I am so excited about the opportunity to share my experiences and stories on VeganTravel. Here, so many inspiring individuals share their fascinating travels with the world. Before I start blogging about my own wanderings, however, I […]

Favorite Vegan Restaurants In Singapore

Singapore has become one of my favorite countries for vegan food. The country is beautifully multicultural, and one can find an abundance of so many different cuisines, varying from Chinese to Malay, Indian, Indonesian and Western. Singapore was named the […]

Nashville, Vegan in the South

When someone says Nashville you usually think country music, not vegan food.  When I lived there (almost 10 years ago now)  it was definitely heavy on the former and light on the latter.  I recently went back to visit some […]

Eating Vegan in Georgia

When one thinks of Georgia, they think peaches, the deep South, and the Braves. But there is another Georgia that we’ve discovered, and it is pretty vegan friendly. Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region of Europe that used […]

Love in Langkawi!

Hi all! Welcome to my latest vegan travel post! We spent a magical ten days on our maplemoon (honeymoon) swimming under waterfalls, cycling through rice fields, kayaking through mangroves, indulging in daily beach walks and trekking through jungles in the […]

The Beet Retreat!

In May 2016, Francis and I stayed at The Beet Retreat (a 100% vegan & cruelty-free homestead) up in the Yarra Valley for our 3 year anniversary/my birthday! When we arrived, we were shown into our Treetops Room which was […]

Eating Vegan in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Although Puerto Vallarta is not our favourite Mexican destination, it’s a good place to begin our travels-plus it has some great vegan restaurants! Our world wanderings pretty much revolve around us stuffing our faces with good food, or cuddling animals, […]

Tasty Taiwan!

Hi all! I am now back from Taiwan and so excited to share all of my plant-based finds with you. First off, let me state that being a vegan in Taiwan is incredibly EASY! Due to the primary religion being Buddhism, […]

3rd Vegan Fest in Seoul

<3rd Vegan Fest in Seoul!> On May 21st, I finally experienced my very first vegan festival. I had only heard about how great they were, so I had been waiting forever for this day. That morning, I put on my […]

Vegan in Phuket, Thailand

Thailand is known for being a heaven on earth for vegans, but there are areas that are far more vegan-friendly than others. Phuket, Thailand is one of the areas of Thailand that I realized was not very vegan-friendly, but yet […]

Vegan Food & Sightseeing Tips in Italy- Rome, Naples, Padua

I have been to Italy a couple of times before, but my boyfriend has never been and hence this had to be rectified- you have to taste pizza and pasta in Italy at least once in your life! For his […]

The First Ethical Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket

There are so many reasons why we chose to visit Thailand this year. Besides the fact that Thailand has been one of the top places in our list to visit, one of the main reasons was the recent airfare price […]

Cruelty Free in Cairns!

Hi all! As promised, here is our guide to eating Cruelty Free in Cairns! There were so many options which made it incredibly easy to eat vegan in tropical North QLD! DAY 1 – ARRIVAL! At the airport, we snacked on dates, […]

Rock Concerts, the Oldest City in the US, & a Lot of Food! – A Trip to Florida

Ok so normally I travel a lot in my country, but this time a group of 7 friends! decided to go to a concert in Jacksonville, Florida, and since we were going to fly to Orlando and rent a car, […]

Eating is the Easy Part

I can always live on rice and fruit for a while, but coming to terms with a violent world can be an unbearable challenge. When people ask me about traveling they often ask if I’m still going to be vegan […]

Vegan in Québec City

Québec City is the capital of the Province of Québec, and I can assure you that it is one of the most charming places to visit in Canada. People are extremely polite and generous, and the scenery is exquisite. Of […]

Zighy Bay: A Sustainable Oasis

The forgotten enclave of Musandam is separated from the main peninsula of Oman by the eastern coast of the United Arab Emirates. Known for jaw-dropping fjords and seaside views of the Hajar mountain range, the region is also home to […]

First Month in Thailand as a Vegan Teacher

Sa wadee ka! Jessie here- formally known as teacher Jessie here in Thailand. I’ve embarked on the journey of a lifetime, teaching English- and other subjects. With absolutely no experience back home and a short 3 week course in Hua […]

Guide to Vegan Eating in Iceland (and Other Tips)

Iceland has been on my bucket list for a very long time, and finally in February 2017 I went! However, I travelled to Iceland filled with excitement but also fear that the only things to eat were shark and whale! […]

Un Séjour Vegan à Paris (A Vegan Sojourn in Paris)

I recently arrived in the Charles de Gaulle Airport ready to spend a few days exploring Paris.  I have visited the city quite a few times in the past, but it had been a while since I spent more than a […]

Vegan in Taipei, Taiwan

I have been taken by surprise once again by a city that I expected to have to hunt down vegan options, when in reality, I had way too many places to visit in the week that I spent there. Taipei […]

Tips for Vegan Explorers!

Today I wanted to share with you mine and Francis’s top tips for travelling as a vegan. It is really important not to be put off from exploring our beautiful planet Earth just because you think finding vegan food will be a […]

What to Know Before Visiting Phuket, Thailand

I feel like there are a few things that we should chat about if you’re thinking about going to Phuket to get the Thailand experience. I don’t want you to book an expensive ticket around the world thinking Phuket is […]

Hanoi’s Best (Vegan) Street Food

How I managed to get behind the scenes, and see how Hanoi’s most delicious vegan street food is made. Upon arriving in Vietnam I had essentially no plan, or idea of what I was doing, except I knew the first couple […]

6 months with VeganTravel

In 225 days, and with the incredible support of the team at VeganTravel, we have visited 18 countries all over this incredible planet. Cody and I began in Rome, Italy eating our way through the world’s best gelato, and pizza, […]

Top 10 Melbourne Vegan Eats!

Hi there! I love doing travel posts as it provides plant-based readers with the confidence to explore. There will be more to come in the next couple of months but for today, I want to share my Top 10 Vegan […]

Touring Toronto Together

Early April, my companion and I traveled to Toronto, Canada. It was my first time visiting the city and so we made sure to visit popularized areas leaving room for exploration.  Although my partner is not vegan, he is open […]

Vegan in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia is a prime example of being constantly blown away by the accessibility of vegan options anywhere in the world. When I booked my flight to Siem Reap, I was not expecting to be overwhelmed with too many […]

A Night to Remember in Bo.lan Bangkok

Bangkok has so much to offer in terms of vegan cuisine that it’s no wonder it’s been consistently named as one of the most vegan-friendly cities in the world by several travel websites. It wasn’t hard at all to find […]

Travelling Thailand with Friends and Family

After 5 and a half months of an amazing journey around the world with Vegan Travel, Cody and I made our way back to Thailand where we were graced with the awesome presence of my cousins Aaron and Isaac, and […]

Staying Healthy While Travelling: Berlin

I prefer eating healthy food and during my travels I try to eat as healthy as possible. For sure I also eat some junk food and sweets but the best I feel is when I eat fresh meals. Berlin is […]

Exploring Siem Reap, Cambodia

Cambodia is a country that has suffered greatly, and still the people wear warm welcoming smiles. The genocide perpetrated by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge almost completely devastated the Khmer people and culture, but still they are here, and […]

Cambodia and Vietnam For Vegans!

Hi There! We are back from our whirlwind adventure throughout Vietnam & Cambodia! As promised, I will highlight our favourite spots to eat & do my best to make it easy being vegan in a foreign land! To ensure this post isn’t […]

Plant Based in the U.S.A!

In October 2014, Francis and I journeyed from Melbourne to America and explored various regions from the East to West Coast. We were a little concerned before we left that we would have trouble finding vegan food for breakfast, lunch […]

Khmer Rouge of Cambodia

The bus ride from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh is about 6 hours, and worth the ride if you plan on visiting the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Prison Camp. It is important to learn about the Khmer Rouge genocide […]

Sabah – Kota Kinabalu – Island of Borneo

At Kuala Lumpur airport we got a flight to Kota Kinabalu. From the airport there are public buses (5RM) to town. Kota Kinabalu or simply called KK is the capital of Sabah, located in the Island of Borneo on the west coast. Borneo is all about its […]

Koh Phangan Vegan Food

Koh Phangan had the potential to be such a beautiful island for us, but unfortunately our week there was spent indoors due to our bad timing with the weather. We spent most nights powerless in our bungalow and most days […]

Forest Haven!

In May 2015, Francis and I went to stay at Forest Haven which is an all Vegan, Eco-Friendly Bed & Breakfast situated two hours out of Melbourne in the heart of the beautiful Pyrenees Region. It was such a peaceful […]

A Day in The Pearl, Qatar

Though I’ve lived in the Arabian Gulf for five years, visiting Qatar never interested me. When I hear any mention of the world’s richest nation, I think of anti-simplicity and wasteful abundance.  However, the opportunity to reunite with old friends […]

Vegan in Montréal – Winter Chapter

Salut, tout le monde!  For my third blog, I wanted to put together a nice list of vegan places that you can visit in Montreal. I have actually lived here for two years now, but I happen to discover a […]

Gomacro, Kyoto

Where to go in Kyoto It had to be fate. We booked our Airbnb in Kyoto quite a while ago because we would be arriving in the busy cherry blossom season (Sakura). When the blossoms start to bloom, Japan is […]

Vegan Portugal, Where to Eat (Guide)

Being a vegetarian/vegan in Portugal is not easy, especially if you are traveling relying mostly on restaurants and cafes. The restaurants, have usually 4 main options in their menu (not very vegan friendly) : appetisers, fish, meat, and desserts. however […]

Vegan in Havana

I was so excited and looking forward to our vacation in Havana, Cuba! I knew before our trip that one aspect we needed to research was plant based food. I’m vegan; a quick explanation to those of you who haven’t […]

Favorite Vegan Restaurants in Manila, Philippines

Metro Manila is composed of several cities including the capital city of Manila, Quezon City, Makati, San Juan, Pasig, and others. On Happy Cow, there are 52 vegan and vegetarian-friendly restaurants in Metro Manila. While there are many I have […]

Vegan Traveler: MiLisa from Cleveland

Hello everyone! My name is MiLisa, a native of Cleveland, OH. I am glad to be a part of the VeganTravel Community. I transitioned to veganism in December 2013 and have enjoyed the journey since. It is a constant effort […]

Traveling to Koh Phangan from Chiang Mai

It’s much easier to get to the islands of Thailand from inland than I thought, and cheaper than I was expecting! We knew we wanted to either go to Ko Samui or Koh Phangan and luckily they both take the […]

42Raw, Copenhagen

Been wanting to try 42Raw in Copenhagen since I’ve been here! And by the way, I’ve been here for over 3 months! Going back home to the U.S. in a month and a few days. It’s crazy that this experience […]

Vegan Festivals In The Philippines

2016 was a big year for veganism in the Philippines. Two of the very first vegan festivals took place and I was able to make it to both. Here’s when you can find them in 2017: VegFest Pilipinas: November 2017 […]

Our time in Phnom Penh and Kampot

It is only a 6 hour bus ride from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, so there are no excuses not to visit if you have the time. We spent 5 nights in Phnom Penh just walking around the city, visiting […]

Mini-Vegan Tour of Vancouver

When you live somewhere, it’s very easy to get caught up in the little things and forget what a great place you live in.  The other day I met a friend downtown for lunch.  I don’t work downtown, and most […]

Favorite Vegan Restaurants In Makati, Philippines

Filipino cuisine is often seen as being animal-heavy. I grew up in a Filipino household – and it’s partly true. When I first became vegan, I didn’t know any vegan Filipinos, nor did my friends or relatives. It wasn’t until […]

What if Meat Was Illegal?

At first I thought it was a just a legend. I had heard of it in a late night conversation with a fellow volunteer at an elephant sanctuary in rural Thailand. Somewhere in India, the story goes, is a city […]

How to Eat Vegan in Hawaii

Hello everyone, this will be my first Blogpost here on VeganTravel and I am so grateful for being a part of this great Community! The last weeks I have been to Hawaii and I discovered so many nice places. Hawaii […]

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary – Ethical?

Vegan food, culture, and elephants are probably the top three reasons Marissa and I had Thailand at the top of our list for this trip. Our trip to Thailand wouldn’t have been complete without spending time with elephants, but if […]

Vegan in Seoul, Korea

An-nyoung ha seyo!  My 10-day trip to Seoul in January actually turned out to be much better than I had imagined (vegan-wise). In December, my parents suddenly suggested that we go to Seoul to visit our relatives for the New […]

Housesitting in Singapore

How to do Singapore on a budget: find a housesit, because friends, it is not cheap here. While planning our travels with VeganTravel, Singapore was on our list, but for only 2 or 3 days, which would have been doable […]

Vegan Eats in Singapore

Singapore was chosen primarily because we ended up getting a dog and cat sitting gig in the city. And because we had animals to care for, and it rained heavily all week, we didn’t see much of Singapore, plus Cody […]

The Best of Vegan Tampa Bay

When I vowed to love my vegan stud for life, Tampa Bay became my second home. Every time I visit, the warm Southern hospitality melts away my frigid New York City exterior by feeding me soul-filling foods. Vegan options in Tampa […]

Our Week in Georgetown, Penang

The ancient cultures of Malays, East Indians, and Chinese, are all present in Georgetown Penang today, and they are what makes this town so rich and vibrant. Whether you spend your days walking, bike riding, or on a tour bus, […]

Eating My Way Around Malaysia

February 1st kicked off the start of an epic one year travel journey in which I will work remotely as a health coach and nurse practitioner and travel as part of a program called Remote Year (RY).  The program makes […]

Vegan in Paris, France

Bonjour!  I am so delighted to start my very first blog on VeganTravel, and I thank all of you for being interested and taking the time to read my blog! Most of the time, the purpose of my travel is […]

The Pesta Chingay Parade of Penang

We touched down in Penang on a hot sunny day, and with no checked baggage, Cody and I were on a city bus to Georgetown in a matter of minutes. While driving through the city, I noticed posters plastered up […]

10 Days in Malta

August 2015 was were it all started for Dean and myself. Our first trip away and where best to start than the beautiful country of Malta. We wanted to visit somewhere hot, with lots of exciting scenic places to explore, […]

Planning a Whistler Getaway

Whistler is one of those places you have to see to really understand how spectacular it is.  I will admit that the fact I live quite close and am surrounded by the mountain views all the time makes me think […]

Vegan Festival Korea

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Things to do in Chiang Mai!

Doi Suthep This Buddhist monastery in Chiang Mai is a must see. You can easily get a tuk tuk up the hill to see the beauty of this temple. There’s also a hike you can do where you’ll walk by […]

Vegan Guide to Georgetown, Penang

Penang is a wonderful mix of European colonial charm, and Asian empires. Georgetown is Penang island’s main city, and it is where we spent most of our time eating. Unbeknownst to us, Penang has a large Chinese Buddhist population, so […]

Grød in Aarhus, Denmark

Hello all, this weekend my class and I took a trip to Aarhus, Denmark, which is the second largest city in Denmark, about a 3 hour drive from Copenhagen! We went to the Aarhus Art Museum which was amazing and […]

48 Hours in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia and a great city for a quick stopover. This metropolis has an incredibly diverse mixture of inhabitants, from Malay, to Indian, to Thai, to Tamil and Chinese as well as quite a few […]

What to Do in Thailand

After sharing my advice and suggestions about what not to do in Thailand, I thought it only fair to also let everyone know about the abundance of incredible responsible travel activities there are to participate in without negatively affecting the […]

Favorite Places to Eat in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is becoming quite the popular destination amongst vegans. It’s very easy to find online all the vegan restaurants in the area you are visiting, so I thought I would put together my list of places that I think […]

American Vegan Exploring Copenhagen #1

Hello all! This is my first post so I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’ve been vegan for a year now, it’s been an amazing, life changing journey so far. I am from New York and arrived in Copenhagen, […]

What Not to Do in Thailand

Responsible travel is something that we feel every traveller should participate in. This type of tourism lessens negative environmental, social, and economical impact, and enhances the well being of local people and animals. It also supports the principles of social […]

The Temples of Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is known for its beautiful Buddhist wats (temples). There are over 200 wats in Chiang Mai, some dating all the way back to 1296. All are beautifully preserved. We’ve visited Chiang Mai several times but never really explored […]

Authentic Thai Cooking Class- Veganized!

I know when I’m at home I end up making the same three meals and I cycle through them throughout the month. I can perfect those three things, but ask me to get creative by trying to make a new dish […]

Vegan in Tomsk

by Oxana Poberejnaia All roads lead to Tomsk Tomsk is my hometown. It is situated in the forest of Taiga, in the centre of Russia, 4 hours by plane east of Moscow. I was born, raised and educated there until […]

Authentic Balinese Family Homestay – What It’s Really Like

In November 2016 I landed in Southeast Asia, for the first time in my life. Indonesia more specifically. Bali to be exact. Stepping into the dated, stuffy airport terminal felt surreal. I still remember the longing I’d felt when brushing […]

Belfast, Northern Ireland

December 2016 me and my boyfriend travelled to Belfast, Northern Ireland to freeze our butts off in search of as many Game of Thrones locations we could get to in the three days we were there for. Just a bit […]

Vegan Food in Bali!

Eat, Pray, Love: the agenda for our time in Bali, in that order. In The Raw In The Raw was our first place we tried in Canggu. Along the same road we found many health food/holistic shops and other vegan cafes […]

Farm-to-Table Dining in Jamaica

Jamaica’s food scene can be summarized in three words: hot, spicy, and fresh. However, vegan options are usually lacking at the dining table. Instead, curried or spiced meats and seafood dominate the platter, leaving only a few sides animal-free. To […]

Chiang Mai Vegan Guide

Chiang Mai is a low rise city filled with ornate temples and canals. The pace of life is much slower than bustling Bangkok, but it has a charm all its own. In the last 20 years, tourism has transformed this […]

Vegan in Bangkok

Bangkok, or Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Phiman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit (yes, that is the city’s full ceremonial name) is a sprawling metropolis that can be overwhelming if […]

Vegan Boots in Brighton

Boots are one of the most important thing when you travel in winter. Before I turned vegan I was a fan of dr. Marten’s because they are comfortable and you can use them with all the weathers!   I think […]

A Pit Stop + Eating Our Way Through Providence, RI

During the tail end of last winter, we decided to hit the road for a week over our son’s spring break, with our sights set on Rhode Island, Maine, and Vermont. Traveling by car from Baltimore to the Northernmost state […]

Exploring Four Areas of Bali

We had the smallest idea of what Bali was like before we arrived. We had no idea how big this island was, what each area was good for, how long we should spend in each place or if it was […]

Getting Delhi Belly in India

The joys of travelling. The new experiences, beach bumming, vibrant cultures, diversity, cheap hotels, and the food. Oh the food! But sometimes, it’s more like “ughhh the food”. Cody and I arrived in Delhi strong and healthy on October 13th. […]

Vegan in Auckland, NZ!

New Zealand is known for its incredibly green landscapes and beautiful outdoor sceneries, but I had no idea I was going to run into so many amazing vegan restaurants. From vegan ice cream shops to popular brunch cafés with amazing […]

World Vegan Day Melbourne

Last year on World Vegan Day I was enviously watching the snapchat stories of my vegan internet pals in Melbourne at the World Vegan Day Festival, celebrating veganism with tons of delicious food, fun events, and inspirational speakers. This year, […]

Margaret River, Western Australia

The Margaret River Region Producing 20% of Australia’s premium wine, this region is a wine lover’s dream. It is also one of the greatest areas of Western Australia. Rolling wineries, next to amazing surf, with locals that are as diverse […]

Vegan Eats in India

India is a vegetarian paradise, and it can be a vegan paradise as well, it just takes slightly more effort to be sure your meals are plant based. Over 500 million Indians are vegetarian and vegan due to religious reasons, […]

How to Visit Europe in a Weekend

Many people dream of long weeks, or even months, backpacking around Europe.  Sadly, that is not a possibility for many people.  As someone with a full time job and a travel addiction, balancing the two is a challenge; I squeeze […]

Perth, Western Australia

Perth, Western Australia Located on the west coast of Australia, Perth is the most isolated city in the world – and yet, some of the best vegan food, people and the world’s happiest animals call good ol’ WA home. Veganism […]

Vegan in Melbourne

Melbourne brought me and Shae a lot of cold, rainy weather but what it delighted us with was a LOT of vegan restaurants and shops. We were even there during their World Vegan Day festival! Here’s some of our favorite places […]

How to Survive and Fall in Love with India

If you can travel through India, you can travel anywhere. At least we think so. India is staggering madness. It is raw, dirty, crowded, vibrant, mystical, stunning, and it bewitches me every time. We recommend that you have at least […]

Favorite Vegan Spots + Activities in Sydney!

I’d say Sydney, Australia is a dream destination for a lot of us. Beaches with beautiful clear waters, surfing, scuba diving, kangaroos, iconic landmarks like the opera house and an abundance of vegan cafes and restaurants; Sydney has it all! […]

The Best Vegan Food in Goa

After a few weeks exploring the busier parts of India, It was finally time to slow down in Goa. Cody and I had visited once before, but Goa is quite large, so we wanted to explore another part of this […]

Some Vegan Eats in Liverpool, England

My time in Liverpool was short – maybe 24 hours max. I’d arrived during THIS road trip up from London, with my friend Alex. We went specifically to participate in the Rise & Shine Sober Rave Party—part of a movement […]

Back 2 Earth Animal Sanctuary and Raw Vegan Retreat

We had a chance to go to Back 2 Earth in Berry, Australia while in Sydney. We took a train from Sydney to Berry to spend a few days on their property that functions as an animal sanctuary and a […]

Tips on Train Travel in India

India is a massive country. It’s so large that it is considered a subcontinent. There are 1.3 billion people, 22 official languages spoken throughout the country, and 9 different recognized religions practiced. If you don’t have a lot of time […]

Volunteering at Animal Aid Unlimited

A few years ago I stumbled upon several videos of severely injured animals being rescued by local heroes in India. Some of the videos were very graphic, and every single one was incredibly touching. It was so wonderful to see […]

Thanksliving Gratitude from Southern California

SAN DIEGO I was born and bred in New England before moving to NYC, and though I love the traditions and sights of a New England Fall, I decided to head West Thanksgiving weekend to trade in the crisp air […]

Journey to Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Lets just start by saying- don’t make the same mistake we did. The journey to Sigiriya from Colombo could either be a piece of cake or it could go completely wrong, so I’m going to make sure you have your […]

Females Traveling to Dubai- What You Need to Know

Was it safe? Did you ever feel uncomfortable? Would you recommend that I go? What was it like being two female travelers in Dubai? I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ask these questions before booking our tickets to […]

Celebrating Diwali in Udaipur

Often referred to as the city of lakes, Udaipur is known as the centre for performing arts and crafts. We spent 7 days in Udaipur recovering from Delhi belly, volunteering at Animal Aid India, exploring the charming city, and celebrating […]

Vegan on the Greek Islands of Santorini and Mykonos

You could say we were pretty spoiled in Athens with the amount of vegan [nistisimo] options, but we had a feeling we’d be in for a challenge as soon as we left the Greek mainland. We were right, but you […]

Visiting the Beautiful Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, a city about 3 hours away from Delhi by train and unless you plan on going to the Taj more than once during your stay, you really only need a night or 2 […]

Vegan in Dubai

Wow. We were not expecting the overflow of vegan food in Dubai! Full vegan shops, cafes, organic grocery markets, the whole sha-bang! And not to forget how vegan friendly traditional arabic restaurants are. Here’s some of our favorite vegan places […]

The Golden Temple- A Place Where Everyone is Welcome

First I would like to begin with the values of Sikhism. Sikhs must believe in equality. No discrimination is allowed on the basis of creed, gender, race, caste, status, colour, education, etc. The principles of brotherhood and universal equality are […]

Our time spent in Leh, Ladakh

Ladakh (“land of high passes”) is an autonomous region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is surrounded by the Himalayas, and is one of the most sparsely populated regions in Jammu and Kashmir. Its history and culture are […]

One day in Territorio de Zaguates – The land of the stray dogs

In Costa Rica, it’s estimated that there could be around one million stray dogs in the streets. These dogs have a really hard time in the streets; they can be victims of animal abuse, hit by cars, and suffer from […]

Two-ish Days in London – Vegan Food Tour

Originally, I was planning to spend a full week in London, but the moment I arrived (via the direct train from Brighton) I met local, high-on-life, vegan enthusiast, Alex Walker. Alex and I had been put in touch via a […]

Santorini Animal Welfare Association

Hearing about Greece, all most people think about is their beautiful white hilltop buildings with deep blue waters and the ultimate romantic destinations. But if you dig a little deeper or even visit a city like Athens, you will not […]

Musings from 36,000 ft

Sometimes there are moments when you travel when stuff just hits you. Running back and forth to another continent for a weekend is fun, but it can also be stressful. I’m not sure why, but on my recent flight back […]

A One Day Meditation Retreat at Nan Tien Temple

Nan Tien is Chinese for Southern Paradise. Just 90 minutes south of Sydney, this southern paradise is the Southern Hemisphere’s biggest Buddhist temple and Australia’s first government accredited tertiary institution grounded in Buddhism values and wisdom. The Nan Tien Temple stands with […]

Exploring Athens + Visiting the First Olympic Stadium!

We were glad we got a chance to stop in Athens on our way to the greek islands after @vegannomad showed us how vegan friendly it was in her blog post and video! We were there for a few days as a […]

Visiting the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is an elephant and rhino orphanage located inside Nairobi National Park. We had hoped that since our last visit 7 years ago they would no longer be needed, but due to the vile ivory industry, the […]

Favourite spots in Lisbon

You might not know this about me, but I’m Portuguese. I’ve been living in Berlin for the past four years, but Lisbon is my hometown. If you’ve ever visited the city, you can relate when I say I could write a […]

Going on Safari in Masai Mara

Kenya is most famously known for it’s national parks teeming with wildlife, with one of the most popular being Masai Mara. Our last visit together was 7 years ago, so we felt it was due time to return for another […]

Awash National Park vs Animal Agriculture

From mountains, to rivers, and national parks, Ethiopia is a wonderful place for nature lovers.   With only a few days to explore, Cody and I were picked up by Abeba Ethiopian Tours early in the early morning for a […]

Things to do in Split + a visit to Hvar!

The 2nd largest city in Croatia next to Zagreb is Split, our next destination! We road tripped up from Dubrovnik to Split, spontaneously passing through Bosnia (even got a passport stamp–woo!). We arrived in the evening, not really knowing anything […]

Cadmos Village Adventure Park, Croatia!

If you’re looking for more adventure to get into in Croatia, check out Cadmos Village Adventure Park right outside of Dubrovnik. They have zip-lining, an obstacle course, mountain biking, archery, and more, but that’s all we got into! They also […]

A few days in Southwest Florida

Last week I journeyed from NYC to Southwest Florida for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine Conference, which was absolutely amazing.  The conference was at the Naples Grande Resort and the theme of the conference was Healthy People, Healthy Planet. […]

What to do in Addis Ababa

Diverse is a word that comes to mind when thinking of Ethiopia. Its international image of famine and dry desert is far from this authentic and varied country. Its complex culture, and long ties to Christianity, makes Ethiopia a fascinating […]

Off-Road Safari in Dubrovnik, Croatia

After a choppy overnight ferry from Bari, Italy, Shae and I arrived in Dubrovnik to probably the most welcoming sight ever: a beautiful sunset view from our AirBnB. I’d say it was hands down my favorite sunset I’ve ever seen. […]

Crazy Vegan Food Tour of Brighton, UK

At first I was frustrated, and then overwhelmed, and then I fell in love. What is this? Some kind of cray version of Eat, Pray, Love?! Hehe! Nawwww, it’s just lil’ ol’ me about to jump into a short story […]

To Helsinki and Back: the Party Ferry Edition

I have a serious travel addiction. It’s gotten to the point that the prospect of spending a whole week in one city while on vacation makes me start to twitch. I start looking for day trips, wine tasting tours, pretty […]

A day in Berlin

Some consider Berlin to be the vegan Mecca of Europe. And for good reason. This is the city that made me vegan. 3 years later, I’m happy to see it flourish. Vegan restaurants pop up everywhere. And so, I want […]

5 Reasons You Should Visit Egypt

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to visit Egypt. It once seemed like an unattainable dream; another world far from my reach. This visit was my 6th, so dreams can be achieved. I fell in love with […]

Forced to Disconnect

Face down in phones, it doesn’t matter where in the world we are- bumping into someone on the street because they are seeing what the Kardashians are up to on Snapchat gets pretty old after the 5th or so trample. […]

Dublin, Ireland: Vegan Food Tour

^Malahide Castle & Gardens Ah, Dublin! I had no expectations upon arriving in Ireland for the first time in my life and was certainly jazzed when learning just how vegan-friendly the city of Dublin is. One of the first things […]

Exploring the city of Cairo

The locals call her Umm ad-Dunya–The Mother of the World–but we know her as Cairo. She is busy, noisy, teeming with people and vehicles, and by the end of your visit you will be clearing your throat from the black […]

Vegan Guide to Cairo, Egypt

I am so extremely excited to say that, thanks to the new found consciousness in local Egyptians who care about their health and animals, Cairo has become incredibly easy to find vegan food! The last 3 times Cody and I […]

A Day in Pompeii

Shae and I knew we had to make a stop in the ancient city of Pompeii while visiting Italy. In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted, covering the city in ash and preserving the ruins. What is left brings you back to […]

Hobart & South East Tasmania, Australia

Take in some of Australia’s best natural beauty, fresh organic produce and picturesque views in Hobart and Southern Tasmania. It’s all too often that one yearns to travel and explore the world, yet fails to explore their own country. With this […]

Why we adore Dahab, Egypt

The great Pyramids of Giza, King Tutankhamun, Abu Simbel, Koshary, the streets buzzing with life, Luxor, feluccas on the river Nile, and Khan El-Khalili Bazaar. Just some of the reasons Egypt is a magical destination.   But Dahab is different. […]

Hebron Dual Narrative Tour

Before heading to Israel, Cody and I were not well informed about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, so we thought a tour of Hebron would shed more light on the subject. We joined a Hebron dual narrative tour offered by Abraham Tours […]

Bodhi Animal Shelter & Clinic – Phuket, Thailand!

In the East of Phuket, Thailand, you will find a temple named ‘Wat Pa Klok’. This is a special place because on the grounds is a dog sanctuary called Bodhi Animal Shelter & Clinic! We stumbled across this place due […]

Attending an ALF Israel protest

While in Tel Aviv, we caught wind of a silent protest being held nearby, so we joined hundreds of people and took to the streets. ALF Israel arranged the march. They follow a code of conduct much like the Animal Liberation […]

Our Visit to the Italian Horse Protection Association

I’d say when most people think about humans’ relationship with horses it seems quite good, and I do believe most horse owners have a positive and loving relationship with their horses. You would think of horses the way you think […]

A Day in Dubai

I never really thought I’d visit Dubai. I’ve heard about it intermittently by way of travel and/or discovery shows over the years, but wasn’t particularly drawn to it as a destination. As I was working with Green Earth Travel to […]

What we ate in Tel Aviv

By now, I think we are all aware of how simple it is for vegans to locate plant based food in Tel Aviv, so we chose not to do a vegan guide per say, but rather show you the meals […]

Vegan Vlog in Taipei, Taiwan

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Flying to Europe with 5 Different Airlines

So I’ve got another crazy trip coming up! If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you would not find this shocking. The surprising part is that I’m actually spending a whole 6 days in Stockholm! I never spend […]

Vegan in Italy: Our First Challenge

So far on our six-month around the world trip, Shae and I have found it pretty easy to find vegan food. Reykjavik, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin: all very vegan friendly! We knew we would run into some challenges along […]

How to Survive a Long Haul Flight

(^ My ‘joy’ face having arrived at my destination, after my first super long haul flight)   Last weekend I embarked on my first long haul flight. We’re talkin’ a 16 hour non-stop flight from Dubai to Auckland. Upon planning […]

Exploring Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre translates in English to “five lands.” Cinque Terre is a city made up of five smaller towns along the rocky coast of the Italian Riviera. In each of the towns you will find colorful buildings and homes, heaps of stairs […]

Vegan Guide to Prague, Czech Republic

I had always thought of Czech as a meat and potato heavy country, and while this still holds true, the abundance of vegan and vegan friendly restaurants in Prague really excited and surprised us. We really loved our time in […]

Best of Amsterdam – What to Eat, See, & Do

Every now and then you may step into a moment, a room, a city, that feels utterly brilliant. It could be high vibing energy, buzzing locals, friendly communities, amazing restaurants; maybe even a little bit of all these things. That’s […]

Spending the Day at Chernobyl

The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that happened on April 26th, 1986 in Ukraine. Cody and I were familiar with the blast, but we were never quite aware of the magnitude of the accident, and the effect it […]

48 Hours in Venice, Italy

I heard you only need a day or two to see Venice. You’ll get tired of all the tourists and it’s so small that you can finish all the sight-seeing in one day. We took that advice and had two […]

Hostel Bag Raid: Problem Solved

The worst backpackers nightmare came true for myself and Marissa, and we were only a month and a half in to our six-month journey. When we leave our hostel with our belongings locked in our bags, one of the worst […]

Toronto, the Vegan Mecca

11 days spent in Toronto has absolutely changed my life for the better. The following is a recap of the very best vegan moments! I had originally planned to visit Toronto for my first time strictly for the Vegan Food […]

I’m In Rome!

Hello Vegan Travellers! I’m in Rome! Hopefully I managed to ramp up your excitement for this post by uploading enigmatic pictures of some ruins over the past few days… You probably sussed it after the first picture but ah well […]

Viva Poland Farm Sanctuary

Viva Poland is an animal protection organization located in Warsaw. One hour drive away from Warsaw is a village called Korabiwice. In this village is 14 hectares of land purchased by Viva Poland that is a haven for used and […]

Vegan Guide to Warsaw, Poland

We arrived in Warsaw, Poland in the early evening and had one thing on our mind: vegan food! With only 2 and a half days to explore, we think we did a pretty good job of eating our way around […]

Enjoying Vegan Paradise in Berlin

Originally Cody and I were supposed to be in Croatia from August 18th to the 23rd, but as soon as we heard that the largest vegan fest in Europe was happening in Berlin, we immediately re-arranged our itinerary to be […]

How To Spend 48 Hours in Prague (photo journal)

Similar to my quick trip to Poznań, Poland, I hopped down to Prague, Czech Republic for a few days since it was just a short bus ride (about 4 hours) from Berlin (where I was based for about a month). […]

Our Site Seeing Guide to Prague

In terms of grandeur gothic architecture, old world Europe charm, and fairytale surroundings, Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was also Hitler’s favourite city, and so it was spared from much of the devastation […]

Exploring Newtown: the Vegan Friendly Sydney Suburb

I have mostly been exploring areas around Sydney since I got here: Blue Mountans, Hunter Valley, Manly. I finally took a weekend to explore a bit closer to the city, a suburb called Newtown.  It should really be called Vegantown. […]

The Best Vegan Restaurants in Stockholm

Stockholm, Sweden quickly became a second home to me and Shae. The people are so friendly, the architecture is beautiful, and the vegan food is abundant! And it helps that we met up with the founder of VeganTravel, @alan, who […]

Vegan Tours in Berlin

We met Maja at the Berlin Vegan meet up organized by VeganTravel. Maja is the creator of Vegan Tours Berlin. We didn’t have a lot of time to spend in Berlin, and we also wanted to learn a little bit […]

Spending the Day with Deutsches Tierschutzbüro

Deutsches Tierschutzbüro is an animal rescue organization based in Berlin, Germany that focuses on exposing the cruelties of factory farming through undercover documentation, campaigning for the end of factory farming, and promoting veganism. Cody and I were invited by Deutsches […]

Vegan in Berlin: Best vegan restaurants

Berlin is by far the city with the most vegan offerings and possibilities. Vegan restaurants, cafes, you can find even a vegan beer garden and vegan takeaway. Worldwide it’s already known as THE vegetarian and most nutritionally aware city in […]

What I Ate in Jakarta, Indonesia

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The city of oranges – Valencia

Studying Spanish in Austria means having the possibility to study abroad for some time, and in my case, I took advantage of doing an Erasmus (something I can recommend to absolutely everybody out there!). Depending on the country you go […]

Malaysia on one meal a day

First, let me clarify that I ate more than once a day, it was just a lot of snacking and coffee. This was due to a combination of not wanting to spend a lot of money, lacking of vegan options […]

24 Hours in Copenhagen

We arrived in Copenhagen late on a Wednesday and left early on a Friday, so Shae and I had barely a full 48 in Copenhagen, and really only 24 hours of actual time to explore. I woke up first thing […]

Guiones, Nosara and San Juanillo beach, a must go! in Costa Rica

Hola! So this time I went to Playa Nosara, located in the north pacific side of Costa Rica. I got there by driving like 4 hours and 30 minutes from San José, but if you are thinking of going to […]

A Vegan In Dublin

the wandering boomerang travel, yoga & vegan living A vegan in dublin I just recently moved to Dublin, and I am enjoying the veggie/vegan food scene in here! I have been spoilt for choice. Here are some of my veggie […]

48 hours in Budapest, Hungary

After an 8 hour overnight train ride, we arrived in Budapest groggy, but excited to discover what was ahead of us. Check-in time for our Airbnb wasn’t for another 7 hours, so we stored our bags in lockers and stepped […]

First Full Day in Brighton!

So today was my first full day in Brighton, England! Yesterday I landed in London around 3:30pm and had to take the underground and the train to get down south to Brighton and didn’t get in until 8:00pm. That was […]

Best of Berlin: Top 8 Vegan Eateries in Neukölln

Deciding where to go out to eat in Berlin can almost be daunting as there are so many options spread out over the entire city (which is quite big, I must say). Therefore, I decided to focus on just one […]

Say Hello to Maria Rose

HI VEGAN TRAVELERS!   My name is Maria Rose and this is my first official blog contribution to this community. I am so excited to have this platform so I can share with you all what I’ll be learning on my […]

72 hours in Ljubljana, Slovenia

While driving through Italy to arrive in Ljubljana, we weren’t expecting Slovenia to be as green as it is. This young nation is one of Europe’s most forested countries (over 60%), and it is this year’s European Green Capital. The […]

First Impressions of living in Australia

So through a change in circumstance it turns out my holiday has turned into a temporary relocation to Sydney, Australia! After a bit of panic and a whole lot of emails, I got my work visa the day before I […]

The Vegan Traveller

Just recently my family and I became vegetarian, which quickly led to veganism. Before I explain how I travel as a vegan, I thought it might be better to explain why I made this life change. It’s a question I get […]

Vegan Abundance in Singapore

I’ll admit that when I was planning to spend a few days in Singapore, I was not expecting to find a lot of vegan options. I had done some research and there were a few nice restaurants that kept popping […]

Vegan Food in Amsterdam

Vegan Food in Amsterdam Visiting Amsterdam and looking for the vegan hotspots? Most restaurants in Amsterdam actually have vegan options! Amazing! Skip the coffeeshops (hahaha) and head to these restaurants! VegaBond VegaBond is a vegan store for food items and […]

Favourite places to eat in Italy

Our 6 nights in Italy felt more like a dream; albeit a very pleasant dream filled with an abundance of pizza, gelato and espresso, we would have preferred a much longer stay in a country known for their fresh and […]

3 Weeks In Nicaragua

The following is a recap of my 3 weeks spent in San Juan Del Sur, which forever changed my life as a first-time solo female backpacker. I spent March 2nd to April 27th, 2016 backpacking around Central America and met PLENTY […]

Spending 3 days in Rome, Italy

Our ride arrived at 12:30pm and pulled up to the airport on time for check in for our flight to Rome via New Jersey. Cody walked up to the self check in machine, pulled out our passports, and started checking […]

Making Vegan Friends Online

“Where are you from” “I’m from West Virginia, and Shae is from Oregon” “Opposite coasts, how did you cross paths?” “Well, we actually met online…” That’s usually how most conversations start when Shae and I meet new people on our […]

Vegan in Poznan, Poland (Take A Day Trip From Berlin, Germany)

I had the pleasure of taking a VERY short trip to Poznań, Poland recently and was surprised by the number of fully-vegan and vegan-friendly eateries! The trip was somewhat last minute but the great thing about being in Berlin is […]

Vegan Guide to Ankara, Turkey’s Capital

Once upon a time, there was a place called Veganka. It was a colorful, lively place where veggie burgers were served and friends were made. Being one of the few places where veganism was understood and honored from soup to […]

Vegan in Saint Petersburg

by Oxana Poberejnaia Going to Saint-Petersburg for the first time   I was born and grew up in Russia, and yet I had never visited Saint Petersburg. I moved to the UK in 2002 to do my PhD in the […]

Vegan Food in London

When it comes to being vegan, London has got you covered. You can’t go to a single area without finding at least one vegan restaurant. We found everything from ice cream sandwiches to proper afternoon tea! If you’re going to […]

Japan Vegan Lotus – tour of Tokyo, Kanazawa, & Kyoto

Gorgeous lotus flowers are all over Japan this summer, especially near Buddhist temples. The lotus flower is revered here and is also seen as a symbol for Buddhism. Arising out of muddy waters to a beautiful flower symbolizes the path to enlightenment […]

How to Get Around in Iceland

Flying into a place that looks like Mars, I expected it to be pretty difficult to get around from place to place without the help of aliens. Even on a map, it really only looks like there is one road […]

Lukumades …getting more popular by the day

I was planning to write a couple of recipes for vegan dips but as I was clicking through the pages of the blog I saw a post on Lukumades accompanied by a photograph of the store in the old part of Athens. […]

Costa Rican Vegan Fair and Farmers Market

Hey! Hola again, last time I said that I was going to talk a little bit more about veganism in Costa Rica and I also mentioned something about the farmers market, so here we go. Well, vegans in Costa Rica, […]

Water sports galore! in Maui, Lanai, and Molokini

Hawaii is, quite obviously, a place for water sports. Surfing, parasailing, jet skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, paddle boarding, kayaking, or just plain swimming, Hawaii’s got it all. Traveling with friends is great, because they encourage you to do things you […]


Recently Keith and I partnered with VeganTravel to go on road trip from Orange County, California to Portland, Oregon to attend Eat Drink Vegan! We documented the whole experience through vlogs, but here is more concrete guide on where we […]

Athens, Greece: 10 Best Vegan Food Finds & More!

There are few places I’ve felt as comfortable and ‘at-home’ in as quickly as I did when I landed in Athens, Greece. From a relatively small and easy to navigate airport and public transit system, to the incredible kindness of […]

10 months vegan

HELLO Happy Friendly Vegan Travelers!! As I’m writing, it is July 13th, 2016 and I’m starting to get REALLY hungry right now. Even more hungry after seeing Upton’s Breakroom post on Facebook it’s their 10 year anniversary this week, and […]

Jerusalem in a Day

You can’t really truly experience any major city in a day, let alone one of the world’s oldest. But if you are familiar with Jerusalem, it’s impressive how much of the city you can see in a few hours. This […]

Vegan Food in Reykjavik, Iceland

 Vegan Food in Reykjavik, Iceland There were definitely a long list of places that came to my mind when thinking of vegan-friendly countries before I even considered Iceland. I had heard about the amount of fish that is popular and […]

Summer in NorCal (Part 2)

It’s a funny thing when you live in California for 17 years and never visit the state capital, AKA Sacramento, and I speak from experience. When I first flew in to Northern California to visit my friend Kayle, I landed at Sacramento […]

Vegan Food on Airplanes

Flying used to be an event in and of itself: you got dressed up, service was impeccable, it was pretty much a dinner party in the sky.  But those times are long gone… fast forward to today where you’re lucky […]

Tel Aviv – a vegan haven you long to visit again

What makes us yearn to return to a far off place we have already visited before? The time we have to travel is so limited, and there is so much of the world we want to explore, yet we yearn to […]

English Paradise

England is our home country. We live in Somerset and have since birth, but Cornwall is truly where our hearts are. If you’re travelling to England, take a trip down south and visit the Cornish coast. It was my birthday last month, […]

Why join a frequent flyer program?

I am a bit of a travel junkie, and if you pay any attention to the travel industry community and news, you’ll know it’s not uncommon to hear about the latest “devaluation” of program x or y; usually the program […]

Vegan Food & Culture in Istanbul, Turkey

The line moved faster than I expected. I watched the three or so people ahead of me breeze through the Sabiha Gökçen International (SAW) Airport’s “other nationalities” passport checkpoint—in Istanbul, Turkey—without so much a glance, let alone any questions, from […]

Aloha in Kahana, Paia, and Hana Highway

I am back from my 2-week trip to Maui (actually, I’ve been back for almost a month… oops!), and I finally have the time to sit down and write some posts about everything Maui! I’ve previously been to Oahu, Kauai, […]

What I’m Packing For 6 Months Of Travel!

I knew packing just 1 carry-on bag for my entire 6 month trip was going to be a challenge. People do it all the time, but I definitely over-estimated in my head how much room I would actually have. I […]

Summer in NorCal (Part 1)

So, a little known fact about me…I actually grew up in Southern California. Despite this fact, my family and I never really ventured to places like San Francisco or Sacramento (though we did visit Napa once and it was beautiful). […]

The World of Herbs: Making St. John’s Wort Oil

A sunny day in Crete today, as usual. I was foraging the garden to pick the vegetables for the day’s cooking workshop, so while looking around I suddenly realized…it is the season! The blooming season for St. John’s Wort. Our farm […]

Vegan Food Crawl of Portland

So…the day AFTER Vegan Beer & Food Fest in Portland, we decided to have a little food crawl. I was joined by @jaclynmiller, @heyshae, @lifestylewithme and our friend @uhhuhyeah as we ate our way through the city. The following is […]

Flight Volunteer

Fancy helping a dog to travel to their forever home? Become a flight volunteer! At Elephant Nature Park Dogs – now Dog Sanctuary Thailand, there are over 450 dogs waiting to find love! There is usually always a dog waiting […]

Packing for Portland’s Vegan Beer & Food Fest

Hey everyone! I am so excited to post my first vlog on Perfect timing to be sharing Keith (@travegetables) & I’s adventures from Orange County, California to Portland, Oregon as helped sponsor our travels. It was so exciting […]

For the Love of Animals – Leilani Farm Sanctuary

Let me start off saying, that visiting Leilani Farm Sanctuary was one of the highlights of my 2-week trip to Maui. When I first heard of this sanctuary a few years ago, I thought, ‘it’s on an island, how many […]

About Me – Vegan in Costa Rica

Great! This is my first post for VeganTravel, so if you are going to read anything that I could write in the future, the best thing is that you can know a little bit about me. I´m not used to […]

Puerto Rico and the Potential End To My Wanderlust

With a constant state of wanderlust for as long as I can remember, my husband and I have been working on rearranging the life we share to make travel a more prominent piece. It’s no easy feat as we have […]

Everything We Need To Know We Learned From Travel

Travel has opened our eyes and hearts to so much. We have learned a lot about the world around us just by allowing ourselves to travel while being mindful. So we wanted to share some of the valuable lessons we […]

Koh Lipe – Thailand

KOH LIPE! Half a days travel from Krabi, we reached the little island of Koh Lipe, near the Thai/Malaysian border. White sand and turquoise sea, this island is paradise! You can get here a couple of different ways. We travelled […]

Slow baked butter beans!

These are giant, fat, Greek butter beans ideally slowly cooked in a wood fire! You will fall in love with their nutty and mushy flavor. Giant beans, a staple in most households in Greece, are a fantastic source of both […]

Weekend in Philadelphia

This past weekend I took the train to Philadelphia, PA to visit my friend Jaimee. Since I’m about to head off around the world for 6 months starting in July, I decided to take a trip to go see her […]

Tips and Vegan Options at Helsinki Airport, pt. 1: Outside the Terminals

I arrived at Helsinki airport much earlier than planned for my next flight, so I’ve had plenty of time to document the options for sleeping, eating, and hanging out at the airport. I’m not sure how much time I will […]


Our week spent in Puerto Rico was nothing short of amazing, life changing even. A bit of a personal transformation went down for me on the Island of Enchantment and it’s been hard to put into words. I’m not sure […]

How Thailand Changed My Life…Why I went Vegan

To be fair, it could have been any country, but it was Thailand. And I could have been volunteering with orangutans, or sloth bears. But elephants are one of my favorite animals, so I chose elephants to spend time with. […]

The End of The RTW Trip!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! It’s the end of the world! Trip! That I went on! And I am very funny! Ross and I have returned to Scotland! We were welcomed back into this beautiful country in the best way possible- with […]

Elephant Nature Park!

Hello fellow vegan travellers!! This is our first ever blog, so we thought what better way to start it off – Elephant Nature Park! This place is amazing for so many different reasons!! Our first time volunteering here, we were unaware […]

What’s in Season? Beets!

It is spring in Greece and the season calls for recipes that include lots of greens and herbs. Beetroots, lettuces, spinach, spring onion and leeks, spearmint, dill and wild fennel, radishes, broccoli and lots of endemic greens. Beetroots in April […]

Ellie’s Roundup: The World!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! Brace yerselves! This is the last time I’m going to say this: It’s time once again for a vegan food round-up! But Ellie, you’ve covered basically every single place that you went in great detail… What is […]

A Few Things on Cooking and the Recipes to Come

Since this is my first blog on Vegan Travel I thought I’d share some information about myself, about cooking and about Greece! Growing up in Greece in the 80’s I love food, I love cooking but I am not a […]

Ellie’s Roundup – Europe!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! I know it’s been a while since you’ve read these beautiful words, but guess what? It is once again time for a famous Ellie Round-Up! “But Ellie!” you say, interrupting my blog quite rudely, “You’ve been in […]

Vegan Camping List and Tips

I recently made a youtube video discussing what to bring to eat on a vegan camping trip! You can check it out at the end of this post. To be even more helpful, I compiled a list of my vegan friendly camping […]

Munich Mediterranean

Hey, Vegan Travellers! Ross and I just spent a couple of wonderful days in Munich, Germany! Spending a few days in Munich was not on our original itinerary, though. We thought we would spend some time somewhere fun in Switzerland […]

Tamanawas Falls Snow Hike

Like Marissa and I mentioned in our second video submission, there is so much to actually go out and do in our towns, but in the Pacific Northwest specifically, there is WAY too much to fit into one, two, or […]

Because I Care

Hey, Vegan Travellers! Whether you have been following along for the entirety of the journey or you are just tuning in now, you have almost certainly noticed that I am a vegan. You have probably noticed that one of my […]

Burger Blog

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a hungry vegan in possession of an empty stomach must be in want of a veggie burger. Not the most difficult thing to find on a menu, but often the most satisfying, a […]

Camping in Shenandoah National Park

Wow. What a weekend. Spring break was last week. I started the week by going to Philadelphia and exploring the city with two of my good friends from Los Angeles. We were reunited after over a year apart and rented […]

Ciao Ciao, Italy!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! I am writing to you today from what I think might be a dream. I am in Italy. I have always wanted to be in Italy. I am almost not in Italy anymore. I will soon be […]

That’s Life!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! Last Sunday I had my first experience with sitting in a cafe and working like a real live professional! Ross and I were in Prague at the time and needed a good environment in which to write […]

The Miracle of Flight! (And Locomotion!)

Hey, Vegan Travellers! It has occurred to me that I am almost done with being in aeroplanes for quite a while. I realised that I’m actually pretty disappointed about this. I have been on over thirty-five flights in my life […]


Hey, Vegan Travellers! I am currently sitting quite comfortably in the flat of a good friend called Roisin. Her flat happens to be located in one of the most amazing cities in which I have ever been- Prague. The three […]

Prague. In the bague!

Our week in Vienna was an exciting one, filled with chocolate, cheese, ice-cream, and many, many more vegan delights. We could easily have stayed here for the entirety of our stay in Europe, just to indulge the tastebuds and probably […]

A Land of Burgers and Ice-Cream

It’s difficult to believe that almost an entire third of our trip was spent in Asia. The two months there went by incredibly quickly. We only had three stops in the continent: Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. But we had […]

Vegan in Vienna

Hey, Vegan Travellers! This past week was a pretty great week for veganism and for travel. Ross and I are currently in Vienna, Austria where we are having a fantastic time. I was a little bit worried about transitioning back […]

In Sickness and in Health

Hey, Vegan Travellers! No, I am not going to propose to you all. I just think it’s time we had a little talk. Specifically, I think it’s time we had a little talk about what happens to you, your health, […]

A Most Phantastic Week

We have just come to an end of our time in Thailand, and what a way to end a visit! The night before we were about to leave Chiang Mai our plans went a little astray. We both very suddenly […]

Ellie’s Roundup – Vegans in Thailand!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! Could it be that it is already time for another round-up? Yes, yes it could. Could it be that I am once again agog and aghast at how quickly my time in a given country has gone […]

Save the Ellie-Phant

Hey Vegan Travellers! I just had the most incredible week at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The whole week went by so ridiculously quickly that I almost don’t even know how to separate it out to find […]

Mai Kinda Place

The first half of our Thailand visit has went by ridiculously fast. Our few days in Bangkok passed like a blur of delicious cake and curry; we had a few days in Kanchanaburi and a day trip over the famous […]

Oh My, Chiang Mai!

Chiang Mai may very well be the happiest place on earth. Sorry not sorry, Disney. From the moment Ross and I arrived here, it has been a vegan dream. The cheapest place in town that had more positive reviews than […]

Travelling on Thai Time

After spending quite a bit of time in Bangkok, seeing some really beautiful shrines, visiting massive malls, and getting to know the local people and culture, Ross and I decided that it was time for us to have ourselves a […]

A Coconut a Day…

The clock struck five on a cold, cold morning in South Korea. We groggily dragged ourselves out of our beds and dressed in the dark. This was the end of our time in South Korea, and we were headed for […]

Thai Food is My Food

Hey hey, Vegan Travellers! We are no longer in South Korea. By the time Ross and I found ourselves once more heading into the great unknown of another country via aeroplane, we were ready for the change. Don’t get me […]

Ellie’s Round Up – South Korea!

Hey Vegan Travellers! It’s time once again for a great big round up! This time, it’s South Korea and it’s not as postivite as all the ones previous to it! I must have jinxed it when I said in the […]

Busan? Big Fan!

Contrary to what we’d heard over and over about how difficult it would be to be vegan in Japan, I had read that it would be incredibly easy in South Korea. Armed with this knowledge, I was incredibly excited for […]

Class is Still in Session

When I first found out about Vegan Travel, almost a year ago now, and I began to consider whether or not I would be able to apply for their Round the World trip, the biggest obstacle was going to be […]

Coffee, Cosmetics, Korea, Oh My!

Hey Vegan Travellers! Ross and I have, very sadly, left Japan behind. I loved Japan more than I could possibly put into a blog. The people there were incredibly kind, the food was incredibly tasty, the nature was incredibly beautiful; […]

The Best Things in Life Are

As much as I would love for this blog post to be a massive list of the actual best things in life (y’know, chocolate, bread, vegetable gardens, new socks, haikus etc,) I was really just trying to be clever with the title. […]

What’s in my Backpack?

Hey vegan travellers! A little bit ago, I filmed a vlog about packing. In that vlog, I discussed the things that I am so glad we brought with us and the things that we probably could have left at home. […]

Mountains of Joy and Ice Cream

Approaching the end of our time in Japan we were headed to Kyoto, the place I was most excited to visit. We were getting there at the tail end of the time before our rail passes expired, believing this to […]

Ellie’s Roundup – Japan!

Hey, vegan travellers! It is once again time for a good old fashioned Ellie’s Roundup! Before I get started I just wanted to say that being vegan in Japan (at least in the big cities)  is just as easy as […]

Much to Blog About Pancakes

We had been moving around Japan quite frequently. This is the simultaneous blessing and curse of the Japan Rail Pass. Ours were active for seven days, so in order to see as much of the country as we could, it […]

Fairytale of Japan

When Ross and I left Tokyo for Kanazawa, I didn’t really know where we were going. I knew that it was going to be fairly easy to get there from where we were, via Shinkensen (famous fast trains in Japan) […]

Japanese Ps&Qs and How to Mind Them

At the time of writing this it has been less than one week since Ross and I left New Zealand behind us, yet it feels as though it has been an eternity. I keep saying that these small increments of […]

But It’ll Be Impossible to be Vegan in Japan…

I don’t know why our time in New Zealand felt like it lasted forever, but it did. I don’t mean that in a negative way whatsoever. No, the three weeks we spent there were among the best of our trip […]

Where the Streets Have No Names

Konnichiwa! We are in Japan! We have done so much already and yet so little compared to what we have planned for these next two weeks! The day we arrived, exhausted from travelling for many hours and from getting no […]

Ellie’s Roundup- New Zealand!

I can’t believe that I’m already writing an “end of New Zealand” blog post! Our time in New Zealand went by so incredibly quickly and now I find myself in Japan, thinking back on all of the wonderful things we […]

Wise Phones – E’s Travel Tips

Out of all of the things that have been infinitely useful to Ross and I on our trip, I would say that my old iPhone 4 which I bought off a friend a few years ago has been the most […]

Farewell New Zealand!

We brought in the New Year in a spectacular fashion: huddled together, watching fireworks in the furthest place city from home I can possibly get to. It wasn’t our plan to be in Dunedin over New Year, it was just […]

We’re (Almost) Halfway There!

It has recently been brought to my attention that the Round the World trip Ross and I are on is nearly halfway over. I simultaneously can’t believe that it has been so long ago and yet only a few months […]

Farewell to the North!

Our time in the north had come to pass. Tired and intrepid, we stuffed our belongings back into our backpacks, said our goodbyes to our friend. It had been a pleasant few days in the comfort of the home of […]

Wellington Whirlwind!

We just finished up an amazing week in Wellington, New Zealand. We had originally only planned on being in Wellington for a couple of days, but due to sanctuaries being on tight schedules, the holidays making it quite difficult to […]

Everything Under the Sun

Hey Vegan Travellers! Ross and I have been in beautiful, sunny, windy, amazing, lovely Wellington, New Zealand for about a week now, hanging out with one of our old friends from Scotland, visiting sanctuaries in the nearby areas, and eating […]

Goin’ South For the Summer

After taking a few days to settle and explore Auckland, the time came to explore more of New Zealand. We were unsure entirely what exactly we were doing and where exactly we were going. The plan was to get to […]

Howdy, Partner!

Yesterday, Ross and I were walking through Wellington, New Zealand, desperately trying to find the place from where the free shuttle to Zealandia animal sanctuary would pick us up. With a screen capture of our directions and a vague idea […]

Auckland Och, Aye!

I was not looking forward to the flight to New Zealand. I don’t do particularly well on lengthy sessions of transit, and this was going to be a big one. A five hour flight, followed by a seven hour layover, […]

Amazing in Auckland

We are in New Zealand! While I am incredibly excited about being in New Zealand, I’ve got to tell you- I don’t feel like I’m in New Zealand just yet. In Peru, we struggled to get through conversations with local […]

Homesick for the Holidays – The Bright Side

I will be the first one to admit that I was a big whiny baby about missing Thanksgiving dinner at home for the second year in a row. I can also admit that I became an even bigger whiny baby […]

Cusco: A Land of Bread and Chocolate

We woke after a night of little sleep. Lima is a noisy city and it always seems to be at its worst when you need it not to be. There was some sort of concert, playing loud samba music just […]

Beautiful Barranco

Settling back into Lima’s bustling and busy state after experiencing the calm and quiet of Cusco was a little difficult. There are concerts held right outside our hostel every night, noise floating in through the door from the bar, and car […]

Ellie’s Round Up – Peru!

As we say “adios,” to Peru and move on to our next great adventure, I remember the bread. Sorry, food! I meant to say food. Most of that food is bread. Anyway, Vegan Travelers, get ready, because it’s time for […]

Peace, Bread, & Guacamole

That’s right, folks. I am pulling no punches and beating around no bushes. Basically, I am not messing around. This blog post is all about bread and guacamole. “But Ellie, what do those delicious foods have to do with Peru?” […]

Much to Say about Cusco

This morning I woke up in the city of Cusco, well before my alarm was set to go off. Lightheaded and still half dreaming of the sunrise over the Andes and cocoa beans, I reached across the bed, grabbed a […]

Now I’m A BeLima!

Peru was the first stop in our journey that I felt any sort of anxiety about. Not that we would run into any danger or anything – we were often told how dangerous Jamaica would be, which I didn’t buy […]

Me Gusta Comer – I Like to Eat

Hey Vegan Travelers! I have so many wonderful things to tell you about in regards to Peru! Over the past few days, Ross and I have been exploring the absolutely beautiful city of Lima. It’s a huge city and has […]

Hola, Peru!

We’re in PERU! I have only been in the country for 17 hours and I have already experienced and learned so much! But before I get into all that, let me tell you about the travel. We left our hostel […]

The (Not So) Promised Negril Post!

This blog was alluded to be a Montego Bay blog. However, time ran away from us there and we didn’t get to see very much of it at all. We only had two whole days there. One of which we […]

Ellie’s Roundup – Jamaica

It was no secret that it was going to be easy to find vegan things in New York City. According to a master-list I found after a quick google search, one could eat at a different vegan restaurant every day […]

From Kingston to MoBay: Bus Journeys Can Be Fun!

We began our departure from Kingston exactly as we spent our time there: realising we had nothing for breakfast and finding an excuse to visit New Leaf. We were getting our food to go, and asked the person who runs […]

In the City That Never Sleeps (Part 3)

The last couple of days of my New York trip were packed with excitement. On a Tuesday Ellie, Ross and I began our vegan food crawl of New York City. We even filmed a video that you can check out HERE (or keep […]

A Few Days of Kingston

We arrived in Kingston after twelve hours of transit, and twenty-seven hours of consciousness. We were being picked up at the airport by the people we were staying with, but the driver wasn’t there. We waited at the airport for […]

Lime Cay – The Place to Be

This morning I woke up in beautiful sunny Kingston, I packed a bag full of fruits, nuts, water, sunscreen, and towels. I pulled a skirt over my shorts, as I learned the other day that in Jamaica, a young woman’s […]

The Kingston Duo

Ross and I are in Kingston and we are having a blast! We’re staying in an absolutely wonderful villa. We have a shared kitchen, bathroom, and balcony, but a private room with loads of space for all of our stuff. […]


I am sitting on a balcony on a warm, warm Jamaican evening, reflecting upon my time in the US. I had an amazing time there. I have wanted to travel for a very long time, but I could never afford […]

Roadtripping around Northern Italy

This is my first blog ever!!! This summer I was lucky enough to go traveling around central and northern Europe with a part sponsorship  by VeganTravel. We began in Italy :). We had already been in Italy a little while […]

In the City That Never Sleeps (Part 2)

While on this trip to New York, I tried to squeeze in as much activity, social time and food as possible and I have to say it was a major success! I ended up going into Brooklyn on three of […]

The Promised Philly Pizza Post

It is no secret, at this point, that I really really like pizza. I would even say that I love pizza. I am committed to pizza. Pizza and I have a special bond, which I thought would be interrupted by veganism but […]

In the City That Never Sleeps (Part 1)

As someone who has never visited New York, I have to say that I was ecstatic and a little anxious over this trip. My only prior “knowledge” of this place, especially the city, is based on movies, TV shows and things I’ve […]

Bad Seed in a Big Apple

I have never been so surrounded by such a variety of vegan eateries as I found myself in New York City. The trip got off to a shaky start with a four hour bus journey in which we were pulled […]

NYC – My Kind of Town

I’m going to launch straight into this New York post with a picture of the biggest, most delicious pizza ever. This glorious pizza was purchased and eaten in full at a cute little omni-pizza place called Two Boots. It was […]

World Vegan Day!

I cannot think of a more appropriate day for a Vegan Traveler to post an update other than World Vegan Day! On any given day of the year, I am excited to talk about veganism. I am always very excited […]

A Short 2am Rambling…

I’m currently lying content in a comfortable bed in Maryland. My experience of the US so far is that hospitality seems to be important. Everyone I have stayed with thus far had been very kind and have gone further out […]

A False Alarm, A Sore Arm, the City of Charm

The last line in this title is totally cheating, but if you didn’t know- Baltimore calls itself Charm City. So there you go. I am great at rhyming. Do not question it. Moving on. Here are some little updates! THE […]

Ross in Boston

The first thing we learnt about Boston is that the temperature is not to be trusted. We walked out of the train station to what we thought was a warm day, only to find ourselves shivering in a pavilion in […]

Lost in Boston

I may not technically be lost in Boston, but I am quite stuck on it. The first three days that Ross and I were here went by way too quickly. We met the most amazing group of people while couch […]

Once Upon a Time in the East

The past few days being back in Maryland have been almost just like any other time at home. I’ve been to a big Fall festival with my family (video coming soon!), had a campfire in my backyard, and have been […]

Norway, Yes Way!

We were only in Norway for a day and a half, but I miss it already. We got off to a rocky but fun start. After a surprisingly small amount of first flight anxiety we landed in Oslo at five […]

Just the Veganning

In Oslo for a day! After eight months of being separated by the Atlantic Ocean (yet again…), my best friend and partner Ross and I received the most amazing news. We were contacted by VeganTravel and selected to be their […]

Hello I’m in Edinburgh (Day 4)

Oh Edinburgh…where do I begin? This beautiful city, pronounced “ed-in-bur-oh”, is a train ride away from Glasgow and also happens to be Scotland’s capital. We saw gorgeous views, historic buildings including Edinburgh Castle, and enjoyed plenty of vegan food. Rumor […]

Hello, I’m in Glasgow (Day 2 & 3)

Day two visiting Glasgow began with a walk around the neighborhoods in the West End. We decided to visit a place called The Bay Tree Mediterranean Restaurant for a traditional vegan Scottish breakfast, falafel wraps, soup, soy lattes and more. This place […]

Hello, I’m in Glasgow (Day 1)

The following includes places, food and events from my first day visiting Glasgow, Scotland. We started the day with an afternoon flight from Denver International Airport in Denver to Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey. Unfortunately United Airlines doesn’t offer […]

Vegan Travel Tips Videos: is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.

  1. Sanna Vegancruiser 8 years ago

    Hiya! Thanks for the extensive review – I often wondered how plant based/holistic the cruise was and totally get your disappointment about the lack of ethical ‘vegan for the animals’ focus and they must have listened as James Aspey is going to the speaking on next year’s cruise. I did know it is a mixed sailing, much like the Esther the Wonderpig sanctuary fundraiser cruise – there’s just not enough cruisers to make this ship a fully vegan one. Am also surprised to hear FOTE rate MSC so poorly as they have won several Eco awards for the recycling etc – though having just checked their 2016 report card, only Disney scores A. The VeganCruiseplanners sailings are normally on HAL and the rate C. As for fully vegan sailings, have you been on the VeganTravel European river sailings or are you going on the Norwegian Fjords ocean sailing in Sep this year? Like the river cruises, this ship will be fully vegan 🙂 Am gutted I can’t make it as I’m out of the country but if the food is as good as on the river cruises, it will be epic. No James Aspey there though, but Macka B will perform 😉

    • Author
      Megan 8 years ago

      Thanks so much for your response, Sanna! I haven’t been on the VeganTravel river sailings or Norwegian Fjorsd cruise, but I would love to attend one day. Have you been?

      I was similarly shocked because I also noticed MSC’s praised eco efforts which was a big factor in why I booked the trip. I thoroughly enjoy travel by boat, but am still just struggling to find the best option, I suppose!

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