by Oxana Poberejnaia All roads lead to Tomsk Tomsk is my hometown. It is situated in the forest of...
Tag Archive for: Blogs by Oxana
Vegan Travel Blogs by Oxana
Oxana is based in the UK and is a watercolor & collage artist who performs with her poetry and frame drum, does story telling, and is a published author & blogger. Her poem “Stopped Among Oak Trees” was published in the poetry magazine South 47, “Walked in from the Cold” in South 48 and “And Yet” in South 49. “Three Ages of Water” appeared in Weyfarers 115. “Genesis of Frost” and “Promise” appeared in the 21 issue of The Seventh Quarry poetry magazine, winter-spring 2015. “Lips” and “The Way Through Tomsk” are in The Seventh Quarry’s 24th issue. Her haiku appeared in Convorbiri Literare, a Romanian literary magazine. Oxana Poberejnaia’s works can be found here:
by Oxana Poberejnaia Going to Saint-Petersburg for the first time I was born and grew up in Russia,...
Vegan Travel Blogs
Street treats that make a trip to An Giang sweet March 20, 2021
An oasis for veggie-lovers in Cà Mau March 13, 2021
Vegan Food in the USA? Here’s how you find it August 4, 2020
Ultimate Guide to the Best Vegan Pizza in Los Angeles 2020 July 11, 2020
Berlin, Veganism and the Coronavirus May 18, 2020
Unexpected adventure in Bach Ma National Park May 17, 2020
Vegan in Tokyo, Japan May 10, 2020
Vegan Trekking in Nepal April 9, 2020
How to Eat Healthy Vegan Meals on Airplanes March 17, 2020
Vegan/raw haven in Sal, Cabo Verde January 9, 2020