Vegan Dining in Cusco, Peru

Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and @ukulellie) visit the ChocoMuseo in Miraflores, and Green Point in Cusco, Peru.

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Additional vegan travel videos from destinations in the Peru:

Vegan travel blogs from destinations in the Peru:

Best lunch spots in Arequipa, Peru

Before I arrived in Peru, more specifically Arequipa, I was a bit nervous of being vegan there. I’d never been to South America before and all that my doctor told me before was that he’d eaten Cuy (roasted guinea pig) […]

Cusco: A Land of Bread and Chocolate

We woke after a night of little sleep. Lima is a noisy city and it always seems to be at its worst when you need it not to be. There was some sort of concert, playing loud samba music just […]

Beautiful Barranco

Settling back into Lima’s bustling and busy state after experiencing the calm and quiet of Cusco was a little difficult. There are concerts held right outside our hostel every night, noise floating in through the door from the bar, and car […]

Ellie’s Round Up – Peru!

As we say “adios,” to Peru and move on to our next great adventure, I remember the bread. Sorry, food! I meant to say food. Most of that food is bread. Anyway, Vegan Travelers, get ready, because it’s time for […]

Peace, Bread, & Guacamole

That’s right, folks. I am pulling no punches and beating around no bushes. Basically, I am not messing around. This blog post is all about bread and guacamole. “But Ellie, what do those delicious foods have to do with Peru?” […]

Much to Say about Cusco

This morning I woke up in the city of Cusco, well before my alarm was set to go off. Lightheaded and still half dreaming of the sunrise over the Andes and cocoa beans, I reached across the bed, grabbed a […]

Now I’m A BeLima!

Peru was the first stop in our journey that I felt any sort of anxiety about. Not that we would run into any danger or anything – we were often told how dangerous Jamaica would be, which I didn’t buy […]

Me Gusta Comer – I Like to Eat

Hey Vegan Travelers! I have so many wonderful things to tell you about in regards to Peru! Over the past few days, Ross and I have been exploring the absolutely beautiful city of Lima. It’s a huge city and has […]

Hola, Peru!

We’re in PERU! I have only been in the country for 17 hours and I have already experienced and learned so much! But before I get into all that, let me tell you about the travel. We left our hostel […] is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.


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