So today was my first full day in Brighton, England! Yesterday I landed in London around 3:30pm and had to take the underground and the train to get down south to Brighton and didn’t get in until 8:00pm. That was not easy with a 40lb suitcase, a giant bag and a backpack, but I did it!

I’m staying with my friend Izzy–who I have known for 8 years since we we’re in high school–and her boyfriend in their flat! This morning I woke up at a reasonable time considering I’m dealing with an 8 hour time difference and just hung out while Izzy got ready for work. I then decided to run to the grocery store because Izzy has a full kitchen I can use but she had absolutely no food. At the store I got some bananas, strawberries, grapes, rice, pasta, apples and nectarines. I basically snacked on all the fruit all day.

Izzy had just moved into her new apartment and so she still had some stuff at her old apartment, including her bike. While she was at work, I took the bus to her old house and rode her bike back. It was a straight shot back to her place, but it was definitely different being on the wrong side and all. When I got back to her flat, I got ready and decided to explore Brighton some more.

Izzy lives fairly close to downtown Brighton, so it was just a short walk. I stopped by the store and got some juice and some water and then headed to the pier/Boardwalk. The weather was so nice out, so it was very crowded. Brighton is a big tourist city and so there were all different kinds of people around. I walked around for about an hour and a half and then headed back to Izzy’s house to hang out until she got back.

When she got back, we went to the grocery store again to get stuff for dinner for the next few nights. I got some more fruit since I ate all of mine and we got some vegetables and pasta sauce. We had pasta with mushrooms and sauce and I ate mine with some spinach. Then Izzy and I went to the gym and came back and watched a movie! I was looking up places to eat at and we found a few places to check out this weekend! I’m excited for the next 6 weeks of traveling around and finding the best vegan food!

Brighton from the pier!image

  1. Jaclyn 9 years ago

    It sounds like you had a great introduction to Brighton! What were some of your favorite places to eat out while you were there?

    • Author
      Taylor Victoria 9 years ago

      It seems that almost every restaurant in Brighton has a vegan option which is awesome!! Some of the restaurants I have eaten at are Wagamamas, Itsu, Pizza Express and Loving Hut!! I still have 3 weeks left traveling and can’t wait to see what else I can find! 🙂

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