Best Vegan Cafes from Around the World
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While traveling it’s always nice to explore local cafes. Cafes are a convenient place to stop to meet up with friends and a great place to find free Wi-Fi. And while many cafes carry milk-alternatives like soy or almond milk these days, some additionally carry vegan deserts and some basic vegan sandwiches or meals. Best of all, 100% vegan cafes is a rapidly growing segment of the market, and are usually vegan owned and run. This list shows some of the best vegan cafes from around the world. The cafes shown below are dynamically generated and sorted by your reviews and the reviews of your fellow vegans. We accept no advertising. Our goal is to provide a platform that truly respects and mirrors our collective vegan opinions and perspectives. As our global vegan community adds additional vegan cafe listings, and as we review and rate our favorites, the resulting listings will continually, and more accurately, reflect our global vegan cafe preferences.