Best Accommodations & Vegan-Friendly Places to Stay Around the World
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While traveling, we vegans definitely prefer to stay in a place that provides cruelty free bedding & toiletries, and offers a vegan breakfast and perhaps other vegan meal options. There are completely vegan B&Bs (Bed & Breakfast), vegan hostels, and even vegan rooms to let. And lots of hotels, big & small, provide free breakfasts and will happily provide a vegan breakfast if you let them know the day before (we encourage you to ask). Also, other alternatives such as Air BnB, vegan couch surfing, and TrustedHousesitters are well worth considering. And in some cities, traveler focused apartment rentals are an excellent choice for those of us who prefer to stay in an apartment with a kitchen so we can make our own vegan meals. This list shows some of the Best Vegan Accommodations and Vegan-Friendly places to stay from around the world. The accommodations shown below were dynamically generated and sorted by your reviews and the reviews of your fellow vegans. We accept no advertising. Our goal is to provide a platform that truly respects and mirrors our collective vegan opinions and perspectives. As our global vegan community adds additional vegan and vegan-friendly accommodations, and as we review and rate our favorites, the resulting listings will continually, and more accurately, reflect our global vegan accommodation preferences.