Best Raw Vegan Dining from Around the World
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Raw vegan dining has deservedly become so much more popular and mainstream in these last few years. And it’s not just raw vegans who delight at finding new raw vegan restaurants to explore while traveling, there are plenty of non-exclusively-raw vegans and non-vegans who have discovered the incredible melody of taste a well-prepared raw vegan meal can have. Not to mention the obvious health and nutritional benefits of adding more raw plant-based meals to our diets. As with all vegan dining choosing raw vegan is compassionate dining, and therefore deserves our thoughtful consideration. Choosing raw doesn’t mean depriving our tastebuds either, this list shows some of the best raw vegan dinning from around the world. The restaurants shown below were dynamically generated and sorted by your reviews and the reviews of your fellow vegans. We accept no advertising. Our goal is to provide a platform that truly respects and mirrors our collective vegan opinions and perspectives. As our global vegan community adds additional listings for raw vegan establishments, and as we review and rate our favorites, the resulting listing will continually, and more accurately, reflect our global raw vegan dining preferences.