Vegan Travel Guides

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Most of our travel guides include vegan traveler videos and travel blogs along with local vegan dining, activities, shopping, places to stay, local sanctuaries and animal care facilities, and more. Listings on VeganTravel are entirely member curated, and anyone can share their favorite things to do, see, and eat with our community of compassionate travelers. If you don’t see a listing on VeganTravel that you think your fellow members should be aware of, please consider adding it by clicking on the appropriate category from the options here, and filling in the details. Join our vegan community and share your travel adventures with our global vegan community and collectively we can show the world how easy it is to be vegan and travel compassionately. is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.