Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
This place is truly a gem in Boulder, CO. They use fresh and clean ingredients including sprouted grains. They are also eco-friendly. The are usually open 11am-3pm, so be sure to check their hours before you head over. I enjoyed a mung bean quiche with beet root tops, savory veggie pancakes on the side, and a house made hibiscus cooler.…[Read more]
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
That time I visited National College of Natural Medicine about their Masters of Nutrition program. @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
My son loves hanging out with chickens #gentlebarn
Also, my final radio show of the semester is on tomorrow at 2pm ET/ 11am PT on umslradio.com. Hope you tune in to hear Bradley from Manchester Pig Save! #manchesterpigsave @vegannomad in PDX -
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
A little shopping @veganhavenseattle #pigspeacesantuary @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
The first all vegan restaurant I went to. #realfooddaily #LA @VEGANNOMAD IN PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
More donuts, this time in San Diego #moncaivegan @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
What a beautiful morning at the International Rose Test Garden! @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Wish I had some of these right now! @vegannomad in PDX #mightyodoughnuts
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Two of my fav passions, music and vegan food! @vegannomad in PDX #astoriaoregon
Wow!! I’ve never been to Astoria, OR. What’s the overall vegan scene there like?! 🙂
@vegannomad I was just passing through on the way to the beach, but the owners are really friendly and might know more info about the vegan scene.
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Chicago Diner at Logan Square. Look at the size of that cinnamo roll! @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Seeing Morrissey from second row in Bloomington, IL last summer. We also discovered a vegan restaurant while we were in town, woo hoo! @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Fabulous dessert from Wayward Cafe in Seattle! And, the door states, “No Fur” @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Witch Doctor from Harlow Restaurant in Portland, OR. Wish I had one right now. @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
My son petting the lovely Rosie at Farm Sanctuary, Acton CA. @vegannomad in PDX
Melissa Lesniak posted an update 9 years ago
Visiting Gary at Wedrose Acres Sanctuary in Central Illinois. @vegannomad in PDX
OMGosh yes!! I *loved* my short visit there a few years ago. My mom was with me for a week on my road trip. We’d just arrived in Boulder sleepy-eyed from staying in my van (in a walmart parking lot) the night before. It was the only thing open early enough for breakfast and we got some amazing raw crepes and juices. Ahhh!!! <3
Those veggie pancakes are amaaaaazing!