Alan posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
@zaccharybird @littlestavocado @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @veganmusic @codyk @mindfulwanderlust
Following is a copy of something I just put on Facebook. I didn’t know if you would all see it there, but I also wanted to include an additional message for each of…[Read more]
Shannon posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Want to know who our lucky contest winners are? Visit our Facebook page and watch the video to find out! @zaccharybird @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @veganmusic @codyk @mindfulwanderlust
Congrats you guys!!! Can’t wait to watch your videos and see the adventures unfold. So cool that there were THREE winning teams—wow—Vegan Travel, you are awesome! <3
Congrats to you and @vegannomad also!!! I can’t wait to see your ventures! 🙂
I’m still in shock that you included a 2nd place prize. Incredible. Thank you again for the opportunity, your generosity, and all you guys do to help forward the vegan movement. So stoked to start planning with @poniesunicorns !! 😀 xo
Thanks so much @heyshae!
Alan posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
I would like to again offer my deepest gratitude to all of you who participated in our contest. As we mentioned earlier, we will be announcing our Vegan Around the World winners on Friday. The scoring is so very close that we were talking today about also offering a 2nd Place prize – free flights for the 2nd Place team to the country of your…[Read more]
We would love to be considered for 2nd place. Thank you for being so generous to offer an additional prize!
Oh my gosh, that is SO amazing and generous!! Wow. @ToniOkamoto and I would absolutely love to be considered for the 2nd place prize! <3
Thanks Christina, Keith, Michelle, & Toni. It’s long overdue for the world to go vegan, but you are all helping us get there sooner.
Wow, that is so generous of you Alan, thank you.
Of course @codyk and I accept your consideration for 2nd prize ☺️ -
Hell Yes!!!!!
You bet your bottom $/₽/¥/£!! 😉
In all seriousness, any opportunity to travel with you all is an amazing one 🙂 Thank you! -
Of course! So generous of you guys! 🙂
Wow @alan this is incredible!! Yes, absolutely – please consider Mandi ( @poniesunicorns ) and I in for the 2nd Place prize as well as the Around the World trip! Thank you so much! <3
Gosh! vegantravel.com are providing so many opportunities! We are blown away. We would be elated to be considered for either prize.
I, Margaret give my consent for the chance for 2nd prize offering! Wow it is definetely incredible that the quality and enthusiasm of the videos submitted gave rise to two prizes being offered! All the videos deserve praise and congrats to all 🙂
I also consent and 2nd what Marg has said. Good luck everyone, great to see this community grow and produce such great content
Thank you so much for your generosity, @alan & Vegan Travel team! As @michellecehn already said, we’d be incredibly thankful to be considered.
Thanks everyone! Our contest now has a 2nd Place Prize!!! We will comment about the prize on Facebook in the next few minutes, and we will be announcing the 2nd Place Prize winners on Friday as well. 🙂
Anyone else refreshing the VeganTravel Facebook page like it’s your job?! :p @zaccharybird @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @veganmusic @codyk @mindfulwanderlust
AHHH, yes! And I’m in Spain so it’s already 8pm on Friday here, haha! Plus I got waaay too nervous/excited to see the Vegan Travel email with your comment just now 😛
@vegannomad Yes! I am obsessively checking my email and the Vegan Travel page. I’m on the East Coast right now and Michelle is in Italy, and we are both wishing we were still behind with California time. More time for us to obsess!
Also, you almost gave me a heart attack with the e-mail notification for your post! 😉
Hahaahha yep. CONGRATS you two! @poniesunicorns You must be on a high right now! So excited for you both ☺️
Shannon posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
A big thank you to everyone who has been involved in our first Vegan Around the World Contest! We just recently posted an update on our Facebook page that goes over the judging process in more detail if you’re curious.
@zaccharybird @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @vegan…[Read more]-
Thank you @shannon! <3
Eeeee! Good luck to everyone!!!
Oh my gosh. Reading that made me so nervous (in an excited way!); my hands are literally shaking right now. Haha!!! I’m going to be refreshing your FB page from midnight on Thursday until the post. LOL. 🙂 🙂 Eeeee!!
What an exciting update! Can’t wait to find out who the winner is!
Thanks so much for the update @shannon
Wow, can’t believe the contest is almost over……Good luck everyone.
Thanks Shannon. It’s all super exciting! ☺️💕
We so appreciate the updates! Thank you!
Alan posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
@zaccharybird @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @veganmusic
We received a great question from one of you about our Around the World contest. I thought the answer would be helpful for all of you to know, so I am sharing my answer here. The winners will choose their own i…[Read more]-
sorry @codyk & @mindfulwanderlust, I just noticed that I unintentionally left you out of this post I made earlier today.
Thanks for the info, @alan 🙂
Definitely would be an adventure of our dreams! Thanks for the update, @alan!
Cody Kuchirka posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago
@zaccharybird @michellecehn @toniokamoto @cityloveee @heyshae @lifestylewithme @poniesunicorns @vegannomad @chrisc @margare7 @veganmusic
I have a question for all the contestants in the Around the World contest.
If you were to win this amazing contest, what are your top 3 countries you would choose to visit?
Good question! (1) Germany, (2)Australia, and (3) Thailand. 😀
Same! (obviously 🙂 )
@vegannomad Would love to head to Germany as well with the amount of vegan goodness throughout the country.
Have you seen the “Plant Based Disgrace” from Soul Burger in Melbourne? It started out as an April Fools Day joke but people demanded that they putt on the menu. It is really crazy…….enough for all of us to share 🙂
Oh Thailand. :)…[Read more]
Great, yet difficult question!
This would take time and research from both Marissa and myself to decide, but what have been some of your favorite places?? You’ve been all over so I’m sure you have some awesome recommendations!-
@heyshae Can’t think of any places you would love to visit? 🙂
Well number one favourite place for us would definitely be Thailand. We spent 17 months living/travelling and really getting to know that beautiful country. I love Egypt for the history and very kind people. Also the incredible Kingdom of Bhutan. It was number one on our bucket list,…[Read more]
Hardly! It’s just that there are SO many places we would absolutely love to visit that it is so hard to choose!
Oh, wow! Those all sound so wonderful, I’ll add those all to my bucket list as well! 😀
A better question for you two is probably where would you choose to go next?? Would you repeat places you’ve already been or are there still some…[Read more]-
Hey @codyk, I definitely want to visit as many places as I can in my lifetime, However, whats on my current list (not in any order): Australia, Tanzania and Iceland 🙂
@heyshae It definitely is hard to choose with so many beautiful and amazing countries out there.
There are a few places we would head back to for sure (Thailand, Egypt, Mexico) but we are always looking for new and exciting places to explore. If we haven’t been there, then it is on the list.
So hard to choose! I’d have to say Australia, Costa Rica, and Thailand.
@michellecehn Great choices. We are actually heading to Costa Rica tomorrow.
No way—have an amazing time! I’ve never been but I know multiple people that came back from there wanting to move there 🙂
Great question, Cody! Our top 3 countries are Sri Lanka, Thailand and Scotland!
Great picks @cityloveee Would love to travel to Sri Lanka and Scotland.
India, Borneo and Peru’ or somewhere else in South America 😉
@veganmusic Awesome choices!! I was waiting for someone to say India.
Such a wonderful, crazy, gross, beautiful, amazing country. Would love to visit again.-
LOL, I like how you included gross in your description of India. 😂
@cityloveee India is an assault on the senses. At times it can be the most beautiful place in the world and at other times it is the most sad, depressing, disgusting place. It is an amazing country and I would encourage everyone to travel there at least once in their life. I loved it and hated it at times but I can’t wait to head back and explore more 🙂
Thank you so much, @alan. What a beautiful note. I’m still in awe of your generosity, kindness, and sincere passion for what you and your team are doing to literally change the world, and the lives of those involved in the contest. Thank YOU for reminding me why it is I love what I do, and for creating one of the most incredible opportunities I’ve…[Read more]
Thanks so much Alan, @codyk and I look very forward to working with Vegan Travel to promote ethical veganism and a more compassionate way of life.
It was amazing to see such a diverse group of people enter the contest. Here’s hoping the number of people entering the Vegan Travel contest will grow with every year!
And thank you for being so…[Read more]