Basic Info
My Name

Giselle Correia

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About Me


I’m Giselle, a lover of all animals; be it centipedes, sharks, puppies or bats. My love for travel began when my mother gifted me with a trip to Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Madagascar several years ago, and since then, I haven’t been able to stop discovering this incredibly wondrous planet!

I am trying to live a simple minimalist life, although I do collect art from around the world (including tattoos), so let’s just call me a “sort-of-minimalist” 😉
I went vegan while visiting Thailand for the first time after a series of experiences with animals, including caring for dogs rescued from the dog meat trade.

I consider myself to be an intersectional vegan, which means I include all oppressed beings (humans included) in my activism. All oppressions intersect, and none are free until all are free.

When I’m home, I keep myself busy with animal rights protests, reading, A LOT of music, mixing a hell of drink at work, being outdoors, and spending time with friends and family. I adore, and greatly appreciate art and creation of all kinds-the weirder the better. After all, art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable 😉

I highly respect mother nature, critical thinking, people who challenge the establishment, women who reject typical beauty standards, and anyone living a life true to their own happiness.

One of the things I enjoy most is simply sitting outside in solitude, surrounded by plants, sipping on a damn fine cup of coffee.

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