• Happy Labour Day everyone!!

    It has been at least 6 years since I (Giselle) have enjoyed a Caesar and damn, I forgot how good they are!

    This one is of course made with Vegan Caesar mix from Simp’s Syrups from Kelowna, BC.

    I’ve been having virgin and gin ceasers all weekend! Almost running out, but not quite.

    Sadly Summer is starting to come…[Read more]

  • This is my absolute favourite kitchen tool (so much so that I have it tattooed), the 10,000 year old mortar and pestle ❤️

    Do you have a favourite kitchen tool/appliance?

  • Live, breathe, EAT your ethics.

    • At first I thought, “OH! A breakfast cookie! I love it” And then realized it’s probably actually a pancake. Haha 🙂

      • I also was thinking, “Here is Giselle, living her best life, eating a plated cookie for breakfast.” <3

  • Smoothie bowl season!
    And strawberry banana, peanut butter banana chocolate chip muffins too!

  • This past weekend I joined hundreds of other animal activists at the Toronto march to close all slaughterhouses.
    It was a powerful event that allowed us to unite and demand that animals be given justice and treated with respect. We leafleted and shouted chants until our voices failed.

    Activism is an important part of being vegan to me because…[Read more]

  • I’ve finally crafted a tasty chickpea omelette! The others were dense and flavourless, but this time I added some aquafaba. It’s soooo good! Has anyone tried making these at home?

    What do you think?

    • Woah, I am going to need some details on this! I’ve made silken tofu omelettes with chickpea flour, but haven’t added aquafaba before. It looks great 🙂

  • On Saturday we joined over 100 people to stand up against animal abuse and captivity at the terrible abusement park that is Marineland, in Niagara Falls, Canada.
    We hope that we don’t have to protest again next year, but if we do, we’ll be there!

  • @codyk And I are having a lazy day back in Canada enjoying some down time and damn good toast! 😉
    What are you up to today?

  • One of our favourite places to eat while in Saskatoon is Golden Pagoda.

    A Burmese/Asian restaurant with some of the most delicious and authentic dishes.
    Hmo Gyaw (Mushroom Tofu Stir Fry) is one of our go to dishes when we visit.

    If you are ever in Saskatoon and looking for so me authentic Burmese food give this place a visit.
    Like they say on…[Read more]

  • From +38 (Thailand) to -1 (Saskatchewan). It snowed this past weekend and we are trying to re-adjust to the prairie weather.

    Regardless of the cold, we are having a nice visit.

    Just ignore our sad faces 🙁

  • We are back home in Canada and I’ve wasted no time getting back to baking!

    Natures Charm gifted us with a few cans of their amazing coconut condensed milk, so I baked us a coconut loaf and topped it with a lemon coconut condensed milk icing.

  • As if our log haul flight from Thailand to Canada wasn’t bad enough, our 1:40am flight out of Bangkok was delayed to 4am, then a 5 hour flight and an 8 hour layover in Beijing, then a 13 hour flight and a 4 hour layover in Calgary, then to Saskatoon.

    It’s going to be a looooong April 18th.

    Hopefully we’ll catch some Zzzz’s.

  • It’s great to know that we can hitch hike in our village if we need to! Hooray for acts of kindness!

  • 2 more days until we leave Chiang Mai……. 🙁

  • We’ve been sanding, varnishing, priming, and painting our little hearts out for the past 2 days, and our communal space is really starting to come together.

    It feels incredibly rewarding to get our hands dirty and put our backs into a space where we will be welcoming family and friends into a tranquil and peaceful environment.

    We can hardly wait…[Read more]

  • Our 10th visit to Jay My Jam Jay in Chiang Mai was as delicious as our 1st visit.

    Noodle soup, spicy papaya salad, and ‘duck’ on brown rice was gobbled up before you could say VEGAN.

    Oh yes, we will be back

  • Just munchin’ on yellow watermelon in Kuala Lumpur.

  • Thank you Dharma Realm Buddhist monastery for your compassion for all sentient beings, and for these sugar donuts ❤️

  • Giselle Correia posted an update 8 years ago

    We are never disappointed when we pay a visit to Ice Love You Cafe in Chiang Mai.

    Tonight we had the Roti Love You (not pictured here) and this amazing chocolate fondue with fresh fruit kebabs, and chocolate mint, rum raisin, and cappuccino chip ice cream.

    VEGAN, because we are cruelty intolerant.

  • Giselle Correia posted an update 8 years ago

    This lovely doggo has claimed our land as his own. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he mostly comes to stay.
    We’ve named him Dunkin, short for ‘Dunkin Donut’. He is very loving and affectionate, and we are glad he chose us as the people to keep him safe <3

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