Michelle posted an update 8 years ago
Just booked my and @alan ‘s trip to Paris for his birthday! Thanks for the inspiration @jenns !
My dad started traveling in his 20’s, after having saved up and selling his car to make it over to Europe and the Middle East. He spent over a year traveling around, and kept Paris as a base, as we have family there. Paris has always been a favorite.…[Read more] -
Michelle posted an update in the group Introductions 9 years ago
Hello! My name is Michelle, and I am one of the co-founders of VeganTravel, and I am so excited to see our idea for a community to unite traveling vegans take off in the form of this site. I also study in university in Finland, and will graduate to be a subject teacher in English, Philosophy, and, hopefully (once I learn enough of it), Spanish. I…[Read more]
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
I just got my newest travel pack, and I’m so excited by it. This pack is 30L, and will be my smallest pack yet, having previously traveled with a 32L and 34L. I still managed to fit 8 books in the 32L by the end of my trip, so I did not need all that extra space, and this way I can travel lighter. This is a Pacsafe pack, and it has so many…[Read more]
I love learning about other folks’ preferred travel gear, and have been thinking of what I can do to make lugging things around more sustainable (and safer!). Happy to have another option to consider 🙂
My shoulder bag is a pacsafe… I love all the little clips they have on it to keep your zippers closed!! Blues the raid pocket!
Wow, that last sentence was supposed to be “plus the rfid pocket”… Clearly posting before coffee didn’t work too well, lol.
Haha I thought Blues the raid was some cool new thing that i didn’t know about :p I also bought a new purse for really light daytrips, that’s got an RFID pocket too, they’re so nice to have.
Come to the dark side… kinnnnnndle!! Regardless, I’m still impressed!!
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
Note to self: When slurping spicy ramen in Japan, make sure to get it all in your mouth instead of in your eye. Ouch!!
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
Just booked a one way flight to Mumbai (!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Any recommendations on what to do in India? Also on my itinerary: Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Japan. This is my first trip around Asia on my own so I need all of the recommendations please!
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Here is our vegan write-up on Tokyo.
Here is a vegan guide to Burma
You have to travel to the Andaman Islands in India!!!
Ok, well I think that’s a good start but we can definitely offer a ton of more advice 🙂
When do you take off? -
Also, this is our friends tour company in Bhutan.
Hi Michelle, it was lovely meeting you in Berlin. All those countries you are planning sound quite easy to get around. I’ve only been to Thailand myself and loved it there! Very easy to explore the country including the Islands. Of course, vegan food is easy to find anywhere being a Buddhist country. I see Cody has already given you some…[Read more]
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
Arrived in Israel and was greeted with this giant zucchini!! Apparently if you let them grow instead of picking them immediately when they’re ready, they will be this huge in just a couple of days.
Yum Yum Yum!! Can’t wait to get back to Israel and eat all of the Falafel!!!
I know, I’m in falafel heaven right now! How long will you be here? Have you heard of schug? It’s a spicy sauce that I wholeheartedly recommend putting on the falafel.
We will be in Israel for 10 days this time around. Last time we spent 3 weeks there.
I ate one falafel everyday for 21 days…….I can never get sick of falafel….EVER!!
Good to know!!!
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
The life of a world traveler/dual citizen! It just shows that you always need to reserve extra time in case of questioning!
I went to the extra check that passengers to the US have to go through, and completely confused the security attendant.Them: Where are you going?
Me: Kahului.
Them: Do you live there?
Me: No, I live in Finland.
Them: How…[Read more]-
What a pain!
Extra time is key!
OMG that’s so annoying!
Ughh this trip is going to be a blast to explain “You’re doing what?? For how long? What is a vegan?” Hahaah I mean I guess thats no different than the questions I get all the time here 😀
That’s true, I bet you have to deal with those questions all the time already! Although now you’ll have the added bonus of getting to explain it to customs officers :p
Yep, I know what that’s like……I was questioned in Israel a few years ago and almost missed my flight to Egypt…..Honestly, security is a little ridiculous sometimes….. I do understand the caution, although it is a little overboard at times…..
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
Safe and happy travels!
Thank you!! I’m just glad I brought enough to do with me. I just realised this morning that it’s a 28 hour trip!
Hawaii is so beautiful. Have fun!
Thanks!! I love Hawaii so much, it’s one of my favourite places in the world. Which island have you been to?
I have only been to the Big Island. That was a long time ago. I would like to go back again. I would like to visit Oahu or Kaui.
Oahu was a bit overrated in my opinion, but I’ve only been once and it was a long time ago. I wholeheartedly recommend Kauai or Maui though!!
Have a safe trip!
Thanks @cityloveee!
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
Anyone know of any good places to eat at Amsterdam airport? 4 more hours on my layover and I\’m hungry!!
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
All of these updates for PDX are making me both really want to travel more, and really really hungry!
Ugh, me too!!
Soon 🙂
@michelle I agree. Guess it’s time for supper 🙂
Michelle posted an update 9 years ago
It is so hard to find good vegan food in Iceland!! All we are finding are either raw-ish or omni places with just one vegan option. Does anyone have any tips for eating in Iceland?
Michelle, check out our friend Amanda’s blog. The Vegan guide to Reykjavik.
Hope it helps.
Thanks sweetie. <3 <3 <3 I hope someday soon to feel as carefree as I did back then. And btw: I'm taking a red-eye flight out of Tokyo at 12:20 am that day, so this is going to be my longest birthday ever! 🙂
So excited for you both!!
Have fun!!!!