Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 8 months ago
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 8 months ago
Last weekend my partner and I traveled to Santa Fe for a relaxing long weekend. We had great meals at Thai Vegan and Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe, had a wild experience in the immersive installations at Meow Wolf, and hiked through the national forest with our friends. We’ll definitely be…[Read more]
Jaclyn posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Another beautiful sanctuary weekend for the books, which included some quality time with this little rascal 😀
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 9 months ago
Behold the Tonga Toast! I split this sugar-coated block of tasty with my sister last weekend at Kona Cafe inside the Polynesian Resort in Orlando during a day of resort hopping (a great, cheap way to get the “Disney experience” if you don’t have a ticket to get into the parks!). Easily veganizable– just ask them to make it with soy milk instead…[Read more]
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 9 months ago
Thursday already! Since I’ll be in Florida next week, let’s throwback to a little key lime action in my parents’ side yard. The tree should be much fuller by the time I arrive!
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 10 months ago
Jaclyn posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
These beautiful boys are the newest residents at the local sanctuary I volunteer at, and they are absolutely amazing!! I had a perfect Sunday caring for all of the residents, hosting a new volunteer orientation, and getting to know these three 🙂
A little about their background – they were rescued from an animal hoarding situation in Boston, spent some time in Florida, and then made their way to us last week. They are young, shy, and very skinny, but they are in good hands now. Their collars will be removed as soon as they trust us enough to get close to them <3
I’m so glad that they have someone to take good care of them now.
A great group of someones! I’m glad too 🙂
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 10 months ago
Throwback to the kitschier side of Niagara, for when you just need a break from the grandiose beauty of the Falls 😉
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 11 months ago
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 11 months ago
Looking back on some of the fantastic third wave coffee we enjoyed at Man Vs Machine in Munich last summer.
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 7 years, 11 months ago
Throwing back to a sweet moment between the typically ornery Alfie (left) and the always angelic Sebastian last weekend at Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary 🙂
Jaclyn posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago
Wow, what a weekend! I’m blown away by the amazing staff and volunteers at Luvin Arms, and I am so excited for the future of this sanctuary <3
Jaclyn posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 8 years ago
Throwing back to last Sunday and my final animal care shift at the current location for Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary here in CO. This weekend we’re moving all of our residents and supplies/tools about 15 minutes down the road to our brand new 40 acre home in Erie! I can’t wait 🙂
Jaclyn Miller posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 8 years ago
Some more Sunshine State throwbacks this week, marveling in the native flora and the interesting, uh, birds they have there 😉
Jaclyn Miller posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 8 years ago
Is that second photo a S’mores bar??
YES. My sister thought the cookie part was a little on the salty side, but it balanced the sweetness of the chocolate and marshmallow so well! I loved it!
That salad looks amazing! Love me some Avocado 🙂
It was awesome! A sushi bowl with brown rice and sweet potato hiding underneath all of that other fresh and yummy goodness. Avocado forever!
If you could just pack that up and mail it to me, that’d be great… 😉
The 6.5hr drive up from Key West when you’re there would be totally worth it, I’m just sayin’ 😀
We are driving the keys… flying in/out of ft lauderdale… not quite orlando…
Haha, nope, not quite at all. Another time, perhaps! Did I mention there’s a new all vegan donut shop that serves donut ice cream sandwiches? 😉
Jaclyn posted an update 8 years ago
Never say no to vegan afternoon tea! I enjoyed this spread with my sister at the Grand Floridian Resort in Orlando over the weekend, and we had a lovely time 🙂
Everything looks wonderful! I need a vegan afternoon tea in my life!
Looks to die for 🙂
Omg. I love high tea! Looks scrumptious!
They did a nice job veganizing the experience for me. If you ever make it out to Boulder, there’s a great vegan tea service here, too!
Me thinks Boulder is in our future 😉
Jaclyn Miller posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 8 years ago
Throwing it back to an overcast day spent in Franklin Square in Philly a couple of years ago with a dear friend of mine, who was one of my greatest influences when I first decided to go vegan! I’m especially excited because I’m flying down to Orlando tonight, and will be reuniting with this friend at Disney (of all places) to romp around more…[Read more]
Jaclyn Miller posted an update in the group Throwback Thursdays 8 years ago
Some cities you immediately gel with, and others are a little more of a struggle. My first time in Vegas last week didn’t give me the “I could see myself here” vibe, but I had a great time enjoying the kitsch and chaos of it all (and the vegan donuts were on point, lemme tell ya)
Jaclyn posted an update 8 years ago
Happy National Pig Day, friends! Here are a few photos of some of my buddies at Luvin Arms to brighten your day 🙂
Jaclyn posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
My travel partner in crime, @shannon, getting the scoop (see what I did there?) on the vegan gelato we found last night on the Vegas strip! Check out Amorino if you’re ever in town 🙂
That gelato was SO good! Such a cool find too 🙂
Thanks for the tip, @alan!
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