Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years ago
Howdy, everybody! Ya girl is in the south! I’m spending about a week in Nashville, Tennessee eating everything vegan I can find. So far, I have two vegan maple doughnuts staring at me in a box, I’m drinking a delicious pecan hemp latte at the cutest coffee shop, and I flew in and surprised my boyfriend at a completely vegan restaurant. I kinda…[Read more]
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago
It feels weird being in a big city again. I made it to Taipei, Taiwan and I’m so excited about how many fun vegan places there are! I also don’t have a ticket out yet, so we will see how long I stay here 😀
Can’t wait to hear about more from Taiwan!
Which places did you visit :)??
In Taipei?? There will be a blog post and video coming soon on here! 🙂
I messaged you on Instagram! Not sure if you’ve seen it 🙂
I wanted to meet up with you in Taipei! I’m based in Taipei Taiwan so I wanted to show you some spots!x
Hey! I’m no longer in Taipei, actually! I was only there for a week back in January, but I absolutely loved it and wish I was back!!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
My family has been in town for the holidays and I love having them here on the tropical island of Phuket, but it’s such a different experience than other parts of Thailand we’ve been to. It’s honestly harder for some weird reason to get around, communicate with locals, find vegan food, and everything is going way more expensive.
I’ve loved it,…[
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Welllllllll guys and gals,
Marissa and I have been waiting for this moment since we first met.
We just landed in THAILAND!!
You have no idea how sentimental this is to us. When her and I first met up in LA, we went to a Vegan Thai restaurant and ate mango sticky rice and Pad Thai while everyone was in thailand at the Thailand Fruit Festival we…[Read more]-
Dude first day in Thailand we literally just had mango sticky rice and pad Thai, just like old Cali times but this time in LEGIT THAILAND! Ahhhh what is this life! I love you shaebae 🙂
I’m so excited for you both!!
Yay! You are going to absolutely love Thailand! I can’t wait to hear more about your experiences there.
It’s only day two and we already had more mango sticky rice y’all!! Its getting crazy up in CM!
Thailand is the best!!!
I am so eager to tour Thailand and the surrounding region. If I budget really well this winter and in the summer, I should be able to tour southeast Asia next winter, which would be my first winter with access to fresh fruit. Mmm.
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Melbourne, why are you being so moody?! This weather has us cozy indoors working and eating amazing food like black, green, and blue foods (you’ll see more details soon)!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Sitting in yet another cafe with vegan options, we’ve come to realize we don’t have nearly enough time in Dubai! It is hottttt here, but the cold, fresh juices are everywhere since they don’t drink! The traditional arabic food (also, everywhere!) is also primarily vegan or so easy to make vegan. You could say I’m in heaven.
Don’t make me say…[
Shaedyn Mann posted an update in the group Travel Tips 8 years, 6 months ago
I need a little help from my SE Asia experts!
My family is planning to join me in Thailand for Christmas and we are trying to figure out where in Thailand would best suit my family.Background- my mom is NOT a traveler, and my whole family has practically never left the country.. It is a big deal for my mom to be flying abroad regardless, so I…[Read more]
I can see this you know…?
I think Phuket & Koh Samui would both be ideal locations. They are a bit touristy, but they also have beautiful beaches, are laid back, have amazing food, some cool temples, and you can still find some decent accommodations deals there.
as a side tip, when we went to those islands I called and / or emailed the hotels directly that we wanted to stay in, and I was always able to find a hotel that was willing to negotiate for a much reduced rate.
@libby Ko Samui??
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Trying to lighten the load and make room for more warm weather clothes, I sent another round of clothes home…. Just in time for the thunder, lightning, and pouring rain in Athens right now. It\’s beautiful and so soothing though!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
And just like that, we took a time machine to our next destination! Just a few thousand years back to Athens, Greece!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
We’ve seen so many different sides of our new love- Italy.
Today, @lifestylewithme and I took a tour of Oropollo EVOO farm in Moiano, Benevento and their factory to see how the olive oil process is done. Neither of us had any idea about how olive oil was made, and how good it can actually taste- especially on a home cooked Italian meal!…[Read more] -
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
We are currently in Florence, Italy as a quick pit-stop on our way south and already love it so much! We wish we had more time here, and on our quick walk around we stumbled upon quite a few vegan places!
If you\’re ever in Tuscany, give yourself enough time to explore the vegan world of Florence, we wish we could! 🙂 -
Shaedyn Mann posted an update in the group Travel Tips 8 years, 7 months ago
We just got a super helpful tip from a hostel mate who has been in Venice for a bit!
One way they get the tourists is by having cover charges at cafes/restaurants. It can be from €1 to 4 or 5, just for sitting and eating/drinking at their place.
This is what they do instead of tips, but you won’t know what it is until the bill comes out costing m…[Read more] -
Shaedyn Mann posted an update in the group Travel Tips 8 years, 7 months ago
Nespresso is a European based company that creates home espresso machines that are easy to use like a Keurig. They have limited storefronts in some major European cities, but if you can find one, pop in for a free delicious espresso- yes. Free.
Nespresso is some of the best espresso I’ve ever had, and they make you any pod you want. It is…[Read more] -
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
One stop shop- Veganz (vegan store heaven) to pick up some essentials and a late lunch at Goodies before we trek back to our hostel to make dinner!
By the way/ Oatly stole our hearts in Scandinavia, so happy to find it in Berlin!-
Featuring- a complimentary neck stretch to see the photo because I could sense you were getting a little tense. You’re welcome.
RIP all of my money once I step foot into a Veganz
I’m already like “what money?” 😉
Ahahah @jaclynmiller @shannon Berlin is dangerous, prepare yourselves!
Sounds quite a bit different than the Goodies in Sunriver, Oregon. Is it close to where you are staying in Berlin?
MUCH different haha. Yep…. Until we get out of this hostel, eep
Was this the place you guys were freaking out about on snap chat?? Because I would do the exact same thing!!! lol
Hahah my dance with the gallon jug of veganaise? Yep that place 😀
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
The first members of the Berlin VT Squad have arrived and devoured our vegan chai milkshake! Need we say more?! COME TO BERLIN!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
For the last part of our Stockholm stay, we moved to a different area of town that we were told is meant more for living, not for good restaurants- especially vegan options.
On our short walk from our new hostel to a work session at a coffee shop, a man stopped Marissa and myself and spoke a few Swedish words, but I recognized something about…[Read more]-
Wow, what an amazing story! 37 years vegan??
I love those Vegan Travel shirts! I think Vegan Travel should make them available to the public, great conversation starters. =)
I’ve had some great conversations with folks thanks to the VeganTravel shirts!
That’s awesome to randomly meet vegans where ever one strolls along. There are more and more people waking-up to the idea of compassion and love. Not to mention, health. It so exciting times for sure….
It REALLY is! Met another awesome vegan couple at the one and only Veg restaurant in Dubrovnik, Croatia today! So many fun stories and people that join this lifestyle!
Shaedyn Mann posted an update in the group Introductions 8 years, 7 months ago
Well hey, it’s Shae! I am 22 years old and I just graduated from college as a Dental Hygienist, and timing couldn’t have been better! My best friend Marissa and I were chosen as one of the sponsored teams and we are now on our journey! This trip means more to me than you can imagine, and it is better than all the dreams I’ve had about this…[Read more]
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Every location we go to, I ask myself if I could imagine living here. I’ve said yes before, but there are always a few “if’s, and’s, or but’s”. The second we exited the Amsterdam train station, I fell in love, and I really really don’t want to leave. This is a stunning city, and I have practically chosen my new house 100 times already!…[Read more]
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Marissa and I are already two days in to our trip, and have been up to so much! We can’t wait to share videos and blog posts about what we have been up to, because who knew you could pack so much into 48 hours… or how exhausting being up/traveling for 60 hours can be!
We have already spent time floating in the Blue Lagoon, explored Reykjavik,…[Read more]-
Oh man, I can’t wait to see what you learned and saw with the activist organization!
I saw the video on Vegan Travel of the Blue Lagoon. Looks like an amazing place to visit!
It was incredibleeeeee! We thought it was going to be a little over-hyped, but it wasn’t. It is just as amazing as people make it sound!
it was AMAZING! 🙂 🙂
I love the blue lagoon! Can’t wait to hear what you though about Iceland (I’m a bit biased 😉 )
We posted a full summary of things to do and places to eat in Iceland video, have you seen it? Ohhhh don’t tell me you’re from Iceland! We will come back and crash at your place if so 😀
I saw the video and loved it!! My family is from there so I’ve gone over a few times recently… Too bad you didn’t get up north to Hofsós or Akureyri (at least I don’t think you did?)… The ring road is amazing!!
Oh my goodness, I’m so with you on the travel exhaustion. It looks like you guys are having such a fun time exploring Iceland, though!!
Are you still running around the world or have you settled in one place for a bit 😉
Still running around, but at least kind of settled now :p I’m back in Colorado for 2 weeks before I go back to Finland, so I only have 1 long traveling day in my immediate future 🙂
Shaedyn Mann posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
I’m not sure if everyone got to see the reaction video I posted (Marissa posted one on her channel as well), but I thought this was the best place to share it now that the stress is gone and we can finally let it start sinking in! Thank you for allowing not only two, but six people’s visions to be shared all around the world and I can’t wait to…[Read more]
UM, this definitely made me tear up a little bit. Can’t wait to see where you go, and how you share the vegan message abroad along with the other teams!
What a great idea to film your reactions simultaneously! I agree with Jaclyn, it was so real and touching! The split screens with the third clip overlay of the video announcement, really made it special. And it demonstrated a lot of talent and video production ingenuity. What software did you use to edit the videos?
I used final cut pro X for mine, and I think shae uses the same!
Thank you guys so much, Jaclyn and Alan!
I was at my little sister’s tennis practice, and we all ran outside to view the results on a break! Incredible 🙂 That moment when we realized our team had also won was unbelievable, as you could see! hahaha
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How fun! Did you check out The Wild Cow?
Yes, and it was SO GOOD! I saw that VT also follows Graze on instagram and omg it was amazing!
Woahh pecan hemp latte sounds amazing!! I’d be curious to hear more about what Nashville has to offer for the vegan crowd.
Dude. Next level. I will be going back in may and I’ll continue to pig out and search for gems. Be ready for a video!
Are you in Fido by any chance??
I’ve heard there are tons of new places since I lived there… the Grins cafe on Vanderbilt campus is really good, if not an obvious choice. Oh and there was a little bakery/cafe just around the corner from wild cow, but the name escapes me… Avo was good the last time I was there… Oh and if it’s a nice day, try…[Read more]
Is that a neighborhood? I don’t think I went to that area!
Oh my gosh, SO many places. I can’t wait to go back because we still didn’t get to all of them! We didn’t go to Grins, I’ll add that to the lost. Was the bakery Five Daughters? Ave was even more amazing than I expected. So many great recommendations.
Fido is a coffee shop/cafe just south of Vanderbilt (on 21st S)… they have yummy vegan cookies! And a bunch of vegan options on their menu 🙂 They also have a few more locations (bongo java near Belmont, and maybe a 3rd now?)
I also totally forgot to mention red bicycle for vegan crepes!! Oh and Sunflower Cafe (near hundred oaks mall) oh and…[Read more]
Oh! No, I wasn’t. I was at Frothy Monkey, but that sounds like somewhere I have to go!
Oh my goshhhh I had no idea about all of these, what the heck! You should go, why did you leave??
Frothy Monkey is also delicious!!! Fido is similar, but a bit bigger.
Hahaha the food is temping, but I realized I’m way too Canadian to live in the US 😉 (I’d miss my universal healthcare too much, lol)
Oh and two boots pizza on divison has vegan pizza by the slice… I may have stumbled in there after a night or two at Losers (or Winners… I can’t remember, lol) 😉
Hahahah I don’t blame you, I wish I was too Canadian to live in the US 😉 I will HAVE to go to Fido because I loved Frothy Monkey.