Alice posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
All vegan Strong Hearts Cafe will have an entirely vegan food truck at The New York State Fair in Syracuse NY August 25th to September 5th! I don’t normally go to the fair, because I feel like so many innocent animals are on display, bought and sold for the food industry, but I’m tempted to go and support the vegan food truck!
Alice posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Holden Beach NC is a gorgeous vacation spot. It is not developed so there are no vegan restaurants on this stretch, but there was a bakery that offered vegan cupcakes one beach over… maybe Staaarr Bakery (memory is foggy). The nice thing was my family rented a gorgeous home and I was able to cook all of my own vegan meals with this as a view.…[Read more]
I’ll also mention we saw a leatherback (one of the rarest and most endangered sea turtles of that area)being rescued. They have a strong sea turtle rescue operation in place. It was very impressive! Something I learned, if you ever need to pick up a sea turtle don’t turn it over. If you do turn it over, make sure you turn it back the way you…[Read more]
Beautiful pic! Your story reminds me of a time I was taking a midnight walk along a beach in northern FL and I almost tripped over a huge leatherback laying eggs. Next thing I knew there was a turtle conservancy crew on their way over to mark the spot so people wouldn’t disturb the eggs. It was incredible. When I looked up and around I realized…[Read more]
What an experience and treat @vegannomad!
Alice posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
LOVE to travel back to my old stomping ground Los Angeles… miss the infinite healthy food options there. @vegannomad #PDX Happy Earth Day and RIP Prince.
Thank you @vegannomad 🙂
Thank you so much @vegannomad <3