• Evelina Utterdahl posted an update in the group Introductions 8 years ago

    I’m Eve from Gothenburg, Sweden.
    I’ve traveled a LOT the past 3 years, and now I’m in the preparation period before I go fully nomad at the beginning of next year.
    I’ve been to 52 countries and all continents except for Antarctica(which I also want to visit soo bad!), and I love going to new places, especially the one’s that I know very little about.
    Nature is what I love most in this world. I love drastic landscapes. Mountains, water and greenery. I guess that’s why my favorite countries in the world is NZ, Scotland, Slovenia, Romania and Iceland 🙂

    I’ve been fully vegan for 1 year and lacto-ovo-vegetarian for 1,5 years, but I was never big on meat so it wasn’t a big change for me.
    I had tried going vegetarian a few times, but it didn’t work when I had to force it.
    However, it eventually came natural to me and I woke up one day not wanting to eat meat anymore, so for me being vegan has not been challenging at all. I’m vegan for the animals. And I feel like my empathy is growing even more since I became vegan.

    I’ve been travel blogging for about 2 years, and I’ve shared my travels on IG for 3 years. I recently started to vlog as well, and I go under the name EarthWanderess 🙂

    • Jenn replied 8 years ago

      I’ll be in Sweden next week!! Only Stockholm though. I’m jealous that you’ve been to all the continents… that’s one of my goals!! I decided that if I hadn’t been yet, I’m going to Antarctica for my 42nd birthday :). So I have a few years to make an attempt.

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