Moein Nejad posted an update in the group Introductions 9 years ago
I found and joined Vegan Travel just today!
I’m a Vegan activist, author and Traveler.
I’m firstly a living being, secondly human-being, and thirdly am Iranian 😉If you are interested to know more about me and my activities, I suggest you to search my name “Moein Ghahremani Nejad” in web 😉
Glad to meet vegan friends, and here in my Instagram page:
https://www.instagram.com/moeinnejadveg/I wish you dear vegans all the best, wishing you all the best, and hoping to meet you as well! 😉
Kindest Regards,
@moein Welcome to the site!! Glad you found us 🙂
@codyk Thank you so much! 🙂