Corissa Marie posted an update 8 years ago
I’m thinking that I want to travel to Philly next and explore their wonderful world of vegan options! Does anyone have any good suggestions??
Corissa Marie posted an update 8 years ago
I’m thinking that I want to travel to Philly next and explore their wonderful world of vegan options! Does anyone have any good suggestions??
VeganTravel.com is a place where vegans share their passion for travel and adventure, help grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world.
Hi @corissamarie, here’s a link to some vegan options members of our community have reviewed: https://www.vegantravel.com/dining/tags/philadelphia-1/
Oh, this is great! Thank you so much!
Philly has so many awesome vegan options, I’ve only been once and was just barely able to scratch the surface! Blackbird Pizzeria is a must, and you can visit Dottie’s Donuts for some incredible options (when I was there, they hadn’t opened their storefront yet, but I snagged one from a cafe, and it was stellar). There’s also a wholesale vegan bakery called Crust that has their goods carried at places like Mariposa Food Co-op and Grindcore House (an all-vegan coffeeshop!). I’ve also heard great things about Vedge for a higher-end meal, as well as V Street (same restaurant group). @shannon, I feel like this is your territory, what did I miss? 🙂
I LOVE Grindcore, you can actually find some things from Vegan Treats and Dottie’s there. Miss Rachel’s Pantry used to have a lovely cafe but they only do farmhouse table dinners on certain Friday and Saturday evenings (which I also hope to attend one day).
HipCityVeg and Pure Sweets & Co both have a wonderful menu too, but if you can only make it to a few places I’d go to Blackbird Pizzeria over either of those. This place called the Tasty just opened up last year I believe and it’s a great spot to check out for breakfast.
Also, some of my favorite vanilla vegan ice cream of all time is at this place called Old City Coffee, kind of over by Liberty Bell. It’s a perfect spot to stop by if you’re in the neighborhood near some of the historic sites like Liberty Bell. There are even some places I haven’t checked out yet but I’ll be visiting again soon and can’t wait to explore some more!
Oh I cannot wait to try these places! I’m not sure when I am going to get the chance to travel again here soon, but as soon as I do I will be using all of these recommendations! Thank you!