Laura posted an update in the group Introductions 8 years, 1 month ago
Hi everyone 🙂 I’m Laura, originally from Switzerland/ South Africa/ it’s complicated. I’ve been travelling for the last 5ish years while occasionally working abroad as an English teacher. For the last 3 years, I’ve also been studying by distance learning towards my Bachelors degree which I will FINALLY finish this May. After graduating I will try to find a job which I can do remotely, so that I can keep travelling. I’ve also met my husband while travelling in Burma and he has started to teach English online a few months ago, which means we are now completely location-independent. Currently we’re exploring the Balkans and will be based in Europe for a few months. After I graduate we will embark on a road-trip towards India, through Russia, central Asia, Iran and China/Tibet. I’m also trying to collect as many vegan recipes from around the world as possible 🙂 Lots of travelling and eating happening this year! Oh and I’ve been vegan for around 5 years now..would love to connect with other vegans from around the world. Happy travels 🙂 x
Congrats on nearly graduating! I’m also studying graphic/ web design via distance. Whatchya studying?
Thanks 🙂 Childhood Studies, because when I started I was hoping to become a Pre-School teacher. But I’m now looking at different Masters programmes in compleeetely different areas ha. Distance learning is such a great thing, isn’t it?
Sooo good. Yeah I was considering a Masters in either Info Technology (Web Development) or Communications – I think online study lets you go for what you want even if it seems unrelated to other things you’ve done theres always ways they can mesh/ come in handy 😀
That’s such a great idea to collect vegan recipes from around the world. Congrats on your upcoming graduation! I work remotely (freelance editor/writer) and it’s amazing – so freeing. Good luck with it, you won’t regret it! And if you make your way over to Spain before you leave Europe I’ll be more than happy to show you all the yummy vegan food in Madrid 😉