• Iulia Nistoroaia posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    I’m going to start planning a trip for the end of summer/ winter. What are some of your favorite places to travel to?

    • I’m a sucker for Switzerland 🙂 (going back in Feb) But if you’re looking outside of Europe, I really enjoyed Singapore! But I’ve heard you’ll either love it or find it really boring… and Bali is on my “must go in 2017” list since it seems like everyone else went this year! lol.

    • Berlin all the way for vegan food. Iceland is one of the last places I’ve visited and the whole country is breathtaking! Let me know if you have any questions about either place!

    • @iulesbenson Southeast Asia!! Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia are some amazing countries with some delicious vegan food. If you do decide to travel this way let me know and we can give you a ton of recommendations.

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