• victoria widdicombe posted an update 8 years ago

    I’m off to work in London for the next three weeks, very excited but even more so to discover the many vegan restaurants and cafe’s there 🙂

    • That’s so exciting! What do you do? London has so many vegan options!! I think my favourite is Cookies and Scream, although that’s purely desserts. Not that you could ever have too many desserts 🙂

      • I’m very excited too, I will be doing training in an office which is not going to be the most exciting part but there’s loads of other stuff up there to make up for it.
        Haha that’s one of the first places on my list, I get overly excited when it comes to dessert’s or sweet things. There are times i’m at a restaurant and wish I could have pudding before the main meal!!!!

        • Oh yeah, definitely! Dessert and appetizers are usually the best part of the meal anyway!

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