• victoria widdicombe posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Over the second week of December me and my partner visited both belfast and Amsterdam. As it is customary whenever we travel abroad we always try to eat at or visit as many vegan restaurants, cafe’s and shops we can. Both countries did not disappoint 🙂

    • Ooh, what did you find in Belfast? I went there before I was vegan, and had a hard time, but that’s 8 years ago and I wasn’t aware how helpful the internet could be to find great food.

      • Belfast was incredible, I’d never been there but it was a very beautiful place. We went to a wonderful raw cafe for breakfast and ate raw toast with chocolate spread, granola and something i hadn’t had in years but blueberry pancakes.

        It was so easy finding somewhere to go once i’d done the initial research, there have been times we’ve been away and spent hours trying to find somewhere so this was good.

        i plan to write more of a detailed blog of where i ate there and where to go etc cause i looked on here at the time but there wasn’t a lot.

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