VeganTravel posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
@codyk and @mindfulwanderlust visit the beautiful Taj Mahal in India! https://www.vegantravel.com/taj-mahal
VeganTravel posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
@codyk and @mindfulwanderlust visit the beautiful Taj Mahal in India! https://www.vegantravel.com/taj-mahal
VeganTravel.com is a place where vegans share their passion for travel and adventure, help grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world.
Ahh love this pic of you two! <3
Awwww, Thanks @vegannomad!!!! <3
@codyk @mindfulwanderlust Seeing this has me wanting to go there. Do you know anything about the night openings of the Taj Mahal?
Hey Keith,
Sorry for the delay. Night viewing of the taj is available during 5 days of every month, 2 days before the full moon, 2 days after the full moon, and of course on the full moon. The entire schedule is up until 2020 at http://www.tajmahal.gov.in/nightview.html